Wednesday, October 31, 2007

At uni

SOON, the semester will be over, and i'll be back in Kuching for my 3 months holiday!!! hehehe summer plan is TO DO NOTHING AT ALL!! no more working BUT lazing around & spend my own money hahahahaahahaha

i'm sitting in a room in the psychology building, & on the white board, there's this characteristics of schizophrenia disease??? its not a disease lahh!!! it's something but i can't remember the word for it~

oh well, 3 more weeks! one more week til my finals starts!! and after that, im done for the semester...

the weird part about this semester is that, i dont really miss home....from time to time i do~ but the other time, i guess i was just too busy to know, busy watching tv, doing nothing, eating, assignments and stuff~ hahaha but i REALLY REALLY did want to go back for raya because i haven't celebrated raya for quite awhile now, n kinda forget how it feels like......the raya spirit!hehehehe

im sorry for my vocab and all~ i dont really care about future, present or past tense right now....i could fall asleep right now..huhuhu

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