Friday, November 30, 2007

i dont want to share my piqachu

okay~~ i'm a bit emotional lately....that's why i guess i miss my piqachu...but i went out with him already hahahaha im the only girl in the world who got her very own talking piqachu...hahahah won't trade it in the whole wide world hahahahaha!

If i bite my piqachu,
piqa pull my hair,
when piqa pull my hair,
i bite piqa again,
even though we're mean to each other :P
but actually, that is how warm we are (hahaha)
we've been friends for almost 6 years now,
i NEVER thought it would be that long...
i would never trade you for anyone else
even from time to time that piqa can be a jerk...
and even his fart smells, polluted the air....(hahah bodo ehh apa ajak kaaa)
no matter how....i just like piqa the way he is...(minus the no manners attitude)

hahahaha i like it hahahahaha

i'm at my dad's office....just got back from the SITE!! whoaaaa!! it's fucking hot!! even though it was raining, but i went up and down the stairs hahahahahaa and just smile at everyone that passes me by hahahaa i dont knw them bahh!!!!

I miss my piqachu...i dont want piqachu to go back early....and i'll be bored here...all alone...with all those psychotic kuching people are OUT TO GET ME!! dont ask me...but they are a bunch of psychos hahahha i would really be sad when he leave..... (T_T)

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