Thursday, November 15, 2007

MiMi's Visit....

Yeappp~~ haven't been doing much of blogging for the past week?? im busy with my finals! and after today~ i would only have one more paper to go~ that is the Income Property Analysis Paper! wuhuuu!! after that, im home free..............not till i get my results though! huhu

on our way to Matsuri!! (pose as baby...tuttttt!!!)

Last Friday,
Mimi came, and we went to the city, as usual on friday night, and there was a short parade.... I'll post the picture later...the xmas parade...But for now.....

We've also had our typical weekend dinner @ Matsuri
our food arrived...and people from the other people were u can see, our table is filled with fooddddd!!!

Tuna! a must have!!

Tsukune!! tastiest chicken ball!!'s delicious...deep fried chicken, with fried eggs and onion...erkk bluwek! i hate onions!

Beef tataki & Prawn Tempura! oishii!! gosh! i miss Matsuri!!

Dya: Tempura Udon & MiMi: Chicken Terriyaki

And after dinner.....we walked to the CPP carpark..usually we would just parked by the roadside...but today, we parked at CPP we walked...and we've found a park sort of like place!

On your mark....get set~ walk!!!

Right out side Matsuri...Cucu pepeh nang bersopan santun...esp the guys!!! i did say the guys!!

Very Very "Loving couple" (^_^) hehehehe

"Couple" of the year (^_^)

Playing around...having a cigarette after dinner......


i: oummmmmm~~ dya: what the hell are u doing? & who the hell are u?

The "loving couple" again........

Ze 3 siblings....and all of them are trying to do the same pose...

it's a "love" triangle hehehe (^_^)

we walked and walked and walked..and somehow...we end up at King's street (^_^) and there's an early xmas decorates.....
FYI: all of us are cousins...and the three of them are the "couple" it's just an act~
well, thats what i think~~ hehehehehe (^_^)
But i'll post the other x'mas parade at the city~ im just too lazy to upload the pic from the cam...
anyways, later days! jya ne!!

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