Sunday, March 23, 2008

Freo Day. Oh Happy Day.

Its Sunday. Today was quite windy at harbor town. Azri, Aen, Dd Smelly & Meera went to Harbor Town first. Then, Dya and I went there to meet up with them. At first i was in no mood to go out of the house..and ohh yaa!!!! Elijah (my neighbour-very cute!) he came to our house with his new jeep. hoho very very cuteee~ with his seatbelt before he drove off..ohhhhh cutenesss!! Anyways, back to the story, we went to Harbor Town, but we didn't cover much shop, Dya and i arrived there around 4pm and the place closes at 5pm.

Ehhh!! and finally i could reach Afiq, he was away in Bali. ohhh!!!! but i was pissed at him too...yalah sapa sik? mun dah org baruk kakar lalu di hanged up??? urghh!!! thanks to him! he reminds me to stop talking to him hahaha!!! urghh!!!

Then, we went back home, slept on the couch for half an hour. When i woke up, Azri's friend was at the dining table. nama nya Deska... (^_^)


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