Friday, March 28, 2008

My lazinesssss

help me! my lazineessss!!! i need to study!!!!

Ina!!!! Make sure ktk baca blog esok or lusak~~~ (^_^) aen padah klak ambik gambar byk byk kekekekeke

i should be studying but i can't move my lazy ass to my chair. WTF am i saying???
my neck hurts. my throat hurts. im coughing. tummy ache. probably fever?? MAN NO MOOD!!!!
IM CRANKy!!! Crankyy!!!

iyerrrr Aen bukak cerita Ada Apa Dengan Cinta. nya mok jiwang ta nya tek..or was it cerita jiwang. oh well! no difference :P

Aen show hebat nya aritok tek. Singstar, di engkah nya level hard. kakya tekkk sorg pun sikpat singstar!!! suma dpt tone deaf but sorg pun for sure sikda dpt singstar!!! waaaaa!!! Aen hebat!! hehehehehhehehehe (^_^)

Aku bosan...aku boring. i want something. no lahhh i want monehhh!!!! $$$$$!!!!! i want money! that's what i want! your love won't pay my bills!!! it's a song ok people!! what people? ada org even read my blog kaaaa??? besides family~ kekeke

i also feel so sad todayy....saddd saddd saddd whyyyyyy!!!!!!! i think i can kill someone. make that anyone....waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! hormones?? nowhh!! not that time of the month yet. just effin' cranky!!! waaa waaa weeee waaaaa!!!

i know!!! i want to go home!!!! ehh ehh!!! we were planning to go to Utopia for karaoke but we didn't. Dari sia laa Singstar comes up! wuhuuuuhuhehehehe

p/s: yalah my laziness but still updating my blog.

1 What Say You?:

Anonymous said...

Losers!!!!!!!!! :p

Padah Aend, nya GAI!!

Sapa suka Maroon 5 nang Gai..(well except me of course)..:p

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