Friday, April 25, 2008

Cant wait for GG next week


Georgina a new character would be appearing next week and she's the one who sent Serena all those stuff...huuuu....haaa cant wait for the next episode...
Nate kiss Vanessa...haa!!!! very err sik sangkaa~ and shit lah Nate ekot Jenny!!!
ternga'ngak nangga GG!!!! so far...
i have friends! hahahahahaa bodo!
neways, went karaoke last wednesday....i sing like crazy.....yalah jangan dengar sora....sora tauk mcm radio who week break!!! and it's almost over and i musttt and im going to pass all of my unit for this semester....I CAN DO IT!~~~~

come on people sing it!

u can do it
i can do it
u can do it

it's not even a fucking song!

anyway good night.....gotta do my report.....

1 What Say You?:

nasrie z said...

i watched the 2nd season 1st episode dah! best aieee

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