Monday, May 19, 2008

New Games To Play While You're Shopping....

My chest hurts.... aiyooooo asthma alert kah??
Anyways, it's been awhile since i last updated my blog....the past few posts were just songs that i like...oh well, i guess i'm damn lazy to update but so far.........

# i'm broke....AGAIN~ hahaa
# almost done with this semester
# terrifying news from Kuching that would changed my life FOREVERRRRRR (tuned in for next sem!)
# and the word for this semester.....*drum roll* GAY! we have no idea but that's the word of the semester...(tuned in for next sem!)
# all of my test and assessment are due by the end of this week...thrilled!!!!!!
# I have found my problem....gonna fix it during the holiday.

I'm still lazy........i know that i shouldn't be sleeping most of the time..but it's winter..the bed is the most comfortable place to keeps you warmth and fuzzy (what the heck?) but anyways, i love my bed...and i got this ring tone sounded like "Highhhhhherrrrrrrrr" Sony punya hp lorrrr

It's been awhile since i last talk to Aen, aok aen! sejak bila ktk baca perez hilton?? shocking!!

ohhh!! i saw my foundation friends at Carousel earlier...hehehe shopping on a weekday? :P after school, dya and i went to Carousel, just for lunchhh lerr but did a bit of jalan-jalan and laughed a lot and we played a game guess the price and how much baju kurong would be able to make with a piece of clothing? This shows that, you don't have to spend when you're at the shopping mall. anyways..

to play guess the price:

1) Get your friends/family to look for a piece of clothing.
2) One of you would have to cover the price tag without looking at it.
3) Let everyone guess the price (including yourself).
4) Looked at the price.
5) Repeat step 1 again. Or you can continue with your shopping. (^_^)

to play how much baju kurong would be able to make with a piece of clothing:
1) Go to the a bit expensive part of the shopping center/mall.
2) Find a piece of clothing that stands out among all of the other make the long story short...find the ugliest piece of clothing.
3) Look at the price
4) Guess how many baju kurong it could make.
5) Then, repeat step 1 or just continue to shop :P

ohh yaa..i met my foundation friend...Aileen and erkkkk i can't remember her name...errkk sorry!!!!! talked for awhile and i suddenly laughed without even saying anything. They must have think that i'm crazy or something hahaha but then again i don't care. boo yaaa!!! Then we went straight home.

A question that left my friends wondering...."would Zsa Zsa be back in Kuching this holiday?". I said No. (^_^)

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