Saturday, May 3, 2008

When school begins.....

Since the past few days I've been thinking about school days. Oh how easy life was back then, less pressure, less problems, just some peer pressure for some but as for me, I don't really have peer pressure. Don't ask me I don't know why I don't really have peer pressure. I just mind my own business and thankful with what I have and don't have. Most of the time (during school years) I argued with my parents, even if I could turn back the time I would never change a thing!

Friends. oh how friends comes easily at that age. You can just sit with a group of other people and you're friends with them. Like knowing Iju, i met him on Friday, at Sri Saujana/Sarjana and he was talking to my sister Mimi and since then we started to hanged out every Friday night right after tuition ended, while we were waiting for our family to pick us up. It was 2004, i was sitting for SPM (which will determine your life :P - yeahh right!) I was always at the State library, and one night Abu

I went to Japan as soon as i finished my SPM for a week plus and when i got back, I worked for Al-Quds for a month.

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