Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Today Is The Day My Semester Ends

People were screaming, talking and a guy shouted "it's over! it's over!" people were saying goodbye and happy holiday to each other. Some people were smiling and some people doesn't even have any face expression, looked depressed? Nowh!!! just lack of sleep! YES! today was the last paper for all the first/second year property student. I looked like i've been hit..eye bagsssss!! i slept around 4am today because i was so nervous about the paper. I know all of the question but when i got to Part B, there's only 30 mins left. so what the heck, i answered it quickly and then continue on looking like a dead girl! anyways. enough with this after exam shit.

Ho Ho Ho Things I'm Going To Do: 1. be a couch potato
2. watch movie non stop
3. read books

4. watch tv.

5. go back to kuching for holiday
6. holiday! holiday! holiday!

7. procrastinate for a month!
8. loose weight by sitting on the couch
9. fix my sleep pattern

whatever laa.....i want to sleep..very sleepy~later days!

1 What Say You?:

~nuTt*~ said...

oh that's very funny zsa... pehhh... u MISS ME!!!! :P

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