Thursday, July 3, 2008

Newlyweds visiting the groom's house

At first i thought the wedding ceremony ends after bersanding but nowp it doesn't. A few days after the wedding, the newlyweds have to go to the groom's house. I was really hoping that i wouldn't have to go.....but the elders insist that the older cousins go. And they put make up on me! so that i dont look like pusak buran...i dont know what that it but that is exactly what my grandma said. Stupidly, i shed a few tears, so sedeh you know, people forced you to use something you don't want. Make up is not in my dictionary, i don't know what concealer looks like or the compact thing or what the hell there is. But i do know mascara, that's it! Oh! A few pictures:

Getting ready

we pray before we went to the groom's house.

At the Groom's house

2 What Say You?:

Bibi Habibah Mohmed said...

suk kedirik kamek baca blog kitak..hehehe..gamba pun bez2..hmm..mek add blog tak lam list mek k..sebab blog kitak bez!!!! hehe..

fairuz adnan said...

geram diat lens yang diguna kat camera itu.. i know, u will said "who cares" hehe.

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