Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Happy Birthday To PaPa!

A short shout out to my Papa!!

Happy Birthday To You! Happy Birthday To You! Happy Birthday To Papa! Happy Birthday To You!

Happy 45th Birthday!! and many more to come! Your present end of year but then to be honest, I have no idea what else to give you. I even bought you a house security alarm system. *with your own money* What else can i buy for your birthday gift? How about.........A ticket for me for raya! haha! That would only be a benefit to me. *teehee* I hope you enjoy your birthday this year and not just stressing about work.

Here's a few stuff about him:

He's the reason that I'm still alive today, I really appreciate everything that he had/have & will do for the sake of the family. I know he stressed about his work most of the time and when he gets home, all he wants to do is to just relax! But then, you have 9 kids, I don't think the house is EVER quiet! One day! when I can afford to send you away for a long holiday anywhere in the world. I would! So that you could at least enjoy the peacefulness and don't have to worry about work. coz I'm going to be a kick ass business women hehehe.

At times, I would always scold him not to do disgusting things in public or just infront of people. But when you scold him, he would do it just to provoke me. Uh!!!! Paaaakkk! stop being disgusting!! like pick his nose, farts everywhere and anytime. We would always sarcastically say I Love You to each other because he and I both know that when we say it, it means that we're asking for a favor or me just asking for money or can i use the c4rd. Everytime, back when I was still a kid, he would always pinch my nose and pull it...as a result, I have such a nice nose! haha! Sorry Meera! Not to forget, he is also kind. urghh too kind ehh...sometimes it pissed me off! Good lahh if he's kind but he's kind til people take advantage of him! urghh!! but i'll get them back and as usual I'll damned them to hell!

He is also patience. At one point of his life, he took care of 4 little kids. All by himself. Bulak lahh he got help from his siblings alsooooo!! During my rebellious dayssss.....we would always always argue about anything and everything because he just wants me to do things his way and I don't because I don't like to be told what to do...ehh I still don't listen now.But now, well, most of the time, he'll let me make my own decision and be there when i made a terrible mistakes. Even when I made a terrible mistake(s), he didn't yell and get angry, he talked to me calmly....Nonetheless, he's very protective. towards all of his kids but at times we see it as controlling us from having a social life. He just don't want anything bad to happen to us, all of us. I, Thank you for controlling me! (even from to time I still detest it til now, Even when I'm in Perth and if I'm still out with friends til 12pm, he'll called me and tells me to go back home..I'm like OMG!! I'm way over here and he still do that things that he always do!) now, I've realized that I have a reputation to keep, not just mine but his too but I'll get my complete freedom soon (i think). The reason for him to control us is so that we won't be drift by today's world bad influences and he would always remind us about GOD and always be humble, No matter if in the future we're all successful or not.But no matter what, I like the fact that I got someone who says no when I want something, because it made me work for the things that I want and not just ask it. (so to anyone who thinks I'm a spoiled brat, *well i am. in my own way * but i'll damned you people to hell!)

He would also always remind us that he's not going to take care of us all of his life...haksss hehehe! true lah! and now, I've also realized that family is important. Without them, you'll be bored out of your freaking mind about what to do with your life. and I am also Thankful that I am close with my family. We have family gatherings every sunday and I miss it everyday when I'm back here.

Anyways, I have to finish my Law assignment reports...Later days!

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