Sunday, August 3, 2008

No More Friendster

Hello Good Evening!

After Friendship day, i decided to delete my Friendster. Why? No reason....(RIGHHHTTT!!!)

Reason to delete Friendster:

  1. To avoid people who ENVY me alot to see how i'm doing (fine without those psychos!)
  2. To avoid looking at "a" friendster page and kept on thinking that im the only one the person ignores. (as soon as the person got a GF the person ignores me- not just once but TWICE).
  3. So that no one remembers me..
  4. The fact that i'm trying to disappear from Kuching Society. Why? because i need a break from Kuching. Don't get me wrong. I Love Kuching. But I just don't agree with some of those people.
  5. Finally.....Im trying to do this "IN YOUR FACE" thing by the end of the year.
I woke up very early (10am) but i just lay on my bed for like an hour listening to songs....and talked to Johan....and went to Harbour Town!! byk org bahh but we didnt buy much stuff because...too many people...there's a few store that we were so afraid to go in because so many people.....and i bought a running shoe...gonna start with my cardio next week..erkk by this week laaa...hehehe.....and it costs me like $50 bucks...huhu!
Ya Ya!!! die im trying to do the in your face thing! hahaha!! in your face people!!

Later days.

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