Monday, February 23, 2009

Summer 2008 Holiday


The semester starts this week.
Last holiday, Summer 08, I lay low for a week, none of my friends knows that I was back for the holiday and after a week, something happened. I met a guy, let's just call him the unknown stranger, due to we never go out in public. We went out everyday for 3 or 4 weeks til he went back to K.L. from 8am - 11pm. That was my routine for 3 or 4 weeks. That was pretty crazy, all my time, I spent it with him. Living in secrecy, it made me pretty much a psycho. We can't be seen in public, I would always have to turn away when he bumped into with his friends and he would do the same way too. I was pretty much sad living life in secrecy and so the relationship lasts for a month and sixteen days. Hehe. But we still hanged out together til my last day in Kuching. I also sat for my supplementary exam in K.L. and he accompanied me while I was studying, we went to Coffee Bean, Frappe. We would go out for dinner straight away. Oh how much I miss spending time with him. Thank you for coming.
As far as I remembered, none of between friends-drama happened, only the thing that happened since before I went back but let it slide. Anyways, Ina got engaged, all of us are ecstatically-cited. *so who's next in-line? Dyaaa*

My exam K.L. trip was fun. After my exam was done *it was at metro college*, I went out with Piqa. He fetch me an hour late and the whole time I was worry that he might be outside waiting for me *Pishhhhhh* We went for McD drive thru and hanged out. *erkkkkkk!!!* anways, I bought the food but I didn't eat it because it's not niceeeee...*bluwekkk bluweekkk* and he thought that I was transfering to K.L. haha as if I would live there. One Week Max Man!!! After that I'll go Berserkkk!!! (-_-)''
Then he sent me to Sunway Pyramid, where I would meet up with Elin and Nat, did a bit of shopping and window shopping, the only thing that I bought was a pair of Dorothy Perkins jeans. It's hard to find something that could catch my eyes and make me go Woogaaa towards the things. The last store we went was Forever 21, we spent hours and hours there til......

the store close. I normally never really shop til the store closed but this was an exception. I sat outside waiting for Elin and Nat shopping. I woke up at 8am and haven't had any food the whole day, so I was very really terribly tired. (-_-)" Also met up with Nat's Boyfwen named Apis and his friend named Aday? *can't remember the name*. After Sunway Pyramid closed down, we went to the Curve to watch "the curious case of Benjamin Button".
It was okay but the movie took 3 hours, I watched it around 11 ++ pm and ended around 2am or 3am. But, as you know, I don't go to KL much and so I don't know the way there. So, we were kinda lost, and we're in a situation where the blind leads the blind, Ended up...we got lost for an hour or two. Then, I ended up staying at Nat's place. When I decided to just sleep at Nat's place, we went to 7e for food!!!!

Then, I went back to Kuching, to spend time with zee lovess ones...oh well, whatever happened during the summer holiday, stays in the past. *lets hope it wont come back, shall we?*

Later days!

5 What Say You?:

RUTHLESS said...

owh the kills kan! been there n i'm not sure now maseh juwak kah sik nektok..haha I need a normal life! lol

Anonymous said...

hey, i missed out this post! yeap, u went silent most of the time while u were in kch back then hehe. nya tok ada own agendaaa nendak nyaa!

*raised eyebrow*

i knew i was rite when i smelt something fishy! hehe!

Zsa Zsa said...

zulfa: at times living in secrecy..i really like it. but the time when the secrecy slowly eating u up inside slowly, kills!!! haha~ i need a normal life too~ so far it's been good~

wann: haha yeapp~ you're right!! lol! next holiday my own agenda would be.....go back to kch just for 2 or 3 weeks~ then go back here~

babybunny87 said...

Zsa zsa!! Read your blog just today! I'm going back to Kch later this evening. Coba ktk ada, dpt kita Bubble gila2 gik smp sesat! (Nang ada pandei sesat di Kch indah kita tek. X mungkin!) Hahahaha!! -Nat-

Zsa Zsa said...

Awhh~ hahaha!!!
klak laaa~~~~kta sesat kat Kuching *mun dpt* lol haha!

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