Friday, March 27, 2009

Camera I Want

A friend of mine is selling his manual slr camera, I want it and I've been negotiating with him about the money transfer and such. I thought of using my own money to buy the camera, but I told my dad about the camera, the original price and the price that my friend gave to me. So, he agrees to transfer the money to him. I'm so happy! Why? Because the camera looks so antique, nowadays, everyone uses digital camera and being a manual camera is what attracts me to it.*and so it is sold to me* Besides got one digital slr camera at home. So, it's okay to buy the manual one. :P

Somehow, its making me feel like I'm a spoil brat because I just called my dad, talked to him about it and tadaaaa~~ he agrees to buy it for me. Erkk!! I should stop shopping because I've been shopping since I got here. If I keep this up, I'll be broke in no time. hehe. It also reminds me how playful I've been this semester. Gosh! I need to concentrate on my studies!!

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