Sunday, March 22, 2009

Twisted Sleeping Patterns


Have you ever experience twisted sleeping pattern?

You're supposed to be asleep at night but you're awake.
As soon as the sun rise, you go to bed til noon. *i wake up every evening*
On top of that, you sleep more than you should.
I'm experiencing that again this semester and I'm constantly having a headache.
I think that's a bad thing. *no shit*

I need to get my sleeping pattern right again but that night was fun. We stayed up all night criticizing people. Haha! especially those type of people, you know, I bet you highly dislike them too~ (^_^)

Those people:
1. They who compare you and who your family are, how well-known are you to the society. Or how you are not known by the society. *don't they know to just be friends with people without comparing their financial/family background and just be honest.*

2. They who likes to show-off their stuff, when a decade/a few years ago nobody even knows your name . *i'm not jealous, what ever for? good for you that you got money*. Please people, there are other people who are much more richer than you are. I know that other well-known people won't be in everyone's face and keep on telling people what you've got or anything. *say it once, that's enough* For example, you don't have to say...."Today I went out using a BMW" GOSH! there are other people who owns BMW. And the next day you went out using that car, you would say, "I went to Hopoh by BMW" *what a joke!* It's as if you've never ride a BMW before.

3. People who you don't even know acts like they know you. For example, I walk around Kuching minding my own business *because I don't know much people* and suddenly people look at you and say, "Hi, Zsa Zsa" but you just say hi so you won't look disrespectful for forgetting someone. And for a second there, I thought to myself, who's that? OR when you were hanging out with your friends, minding your own business, suddenly your friends friend said, "oh, you're Zsa Zsa, you're this and this and that and that, you're from this and you're related to him and her and do you know he or she knows me and blablabla" *chibai!! Most of the time I'm not in Kuching! how the hell do I know about what ever happens in Kuching while I'm away*

4. Those "kepo" people who self proclaimed themselves as relatives, when they are not. I mean, gila kah? mcm the little boy that we always make fun off. He admits to people that he's related to my cousin. If you're too far of track, please get your head back down to earth!

Not to forget, ghost stories! Nothing is ever complete if you don't have any ghost stories. There were so much that we talked about that night and I'm kinda bored of typing. Lol. I think I talk too much already, so I better S.T.O.P!!!

Later days.

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