Wednesday, March 4, 2009

You Might Regret What You Let Slip Away


I just read what my cousin posted on her blog, it made me sad. but i didn't cry. *hurraah* anyways, when i read her blog, it reminds me to always cherish and be thankful for what you've got. Our lives are precious and unpredictable, none of us know when our time would come. For example, I might walk down the street, got hit by a car and I could probably die on the spot or on the way to the hospital. I guess as humans, we should never take things for granted too.

But then again, as humans and as uncertain things are to us, we don't know what lies ahead. If we don't learn, we won't know and sometimes we don't know what we've got til it's gone. I had my fair share of losing a person and because of that, for the first time in my life I regret. Soon after I changed into someone who would always doubt what people said, I questioned everyone's attention and at one point, I dare to say I don't like people.

I think, the hardest thing to lose a person is when you still thinks of what could happen and what might have happen if it was otherwise. For example:
A have known B for quite awhile, their friendship was sort of an on-off relationship *just as friends* They are close friends, they would meet up everyday and at one point, A just disappear without a trace. After sometime, they started to contact each other again and so they would see each other everyday again. At one point, A asked B if B wants to be A's gf but due to some circumstances, B said No. B was afraid to get hurt again but B doesn't want A to disappear again because A makes B feels right at home. A makes B feels so happy whenever they are together. But when B said No, A soon disappeared. B didn't know that A would just disappear without a sight. B was sad, B didn't know what to do, B felt as if half of B's life has disappear but then, B figured out that A was already seeing C. B felt as if B's heart was torn apart but B was still alive. B didn't get the chance to tell A what B really want and now, B kept on wondering, what might happen if B would just say YES. So it remains as something that B would never know.

I think I should sleep~ because the more I read what I'm trying to say, the more confused I get, Oh well, Sit back, Relax and Lets Talk Crap.

Later days!

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