Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sexpo anyone?

Earlier tonight we went to Sexpo at Perth Convention Center. Sexpo is an sex exhibition held yearly at the Perth Convention Center. This year's highlight was the attendance of a couple of Porn Star from Europe. I went there with Rin, Jon and Haziq. Yeah, just the four of us. I watched a strip show with chopsticks clipping her nipple while she was dancing, went to see the porn star section, and wanted to ride the sex train but didn't. Was lost for quite awhile away from them, wanted to buy the costumes. I know that sounds weird but the sailor costume was quite funny, and for the first time i saw different types of vibrator. I also found a pussyshaver, i wanted to check out the booth but the guys was embarrassed. I also wanted to play the tarot card reading but didn't. It's just for fun okay. I won't believe it. Duh!!!

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