Saturday, June 13, 2009

Day 1 Of Winter Holiday


Yeah, Im still in Perth.
Wanted to change my tix and go back early but can't.
Cause it would costs my dad around $300+, buang duit jak!!nok tukar *waaa bo lui*
So, I might as well wait here.
I seriously don't know what to do.
But I've been walking around the house asking my cousins what are they doing.

I've also started to wash my clothes, jackets, coats and clean my room. *oh yeah*
Two weeks plus and I have no idea what to do.
Today I slept around 6.30am.
And woke up around 12.30pm by Jon's phone call.
He needed Ron's passport to buy the tix back to Kuching as well.
So yeah, all of us are going back to Kuching. *oh yeah*

I also sleep in til my head hurts. *regretting my first plan*
I managed to get hold of Mr. Khuzaifah.
He's going back to Kuching next Friday. *yeay*
Sha is also going back to Kuching and she'll be arriving two days after I arrive.
So, three of us would have time to hang out together and Abu planned to hang out with Eqeen.

It's 6pm.
Please someone tell me what I should or can do for now?
Somehow, I'm kinda sleepy again. *LoL*

Later days,
Double Zee.

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