Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Hurrahh!! it's exam week!

Gosh it's exam week already and soon, I'll be shipping my arse back to Kuching. I need to think straight again. I've been playing alot and I very much in LOIKE with it.

"it's all fun and games til someone losess an eye"

In my case not til I cry. Do you think that I'm going to cry at the end of this semester? I hope not. And honestly, I'm looking forward for what's in store for me, next semester. Hope that all of us would still be close.

I do know that for next semester this is what I want and got to do:
1. Go back to Kuching for puasa.
2. Try to cook Raya food for Raya. Because I'll be celebrating raya in Perth for the last time.
3. Bring my baju raya back to Perth and probably, gonna held an open house. *maybe*
4. Have to go to Perth Royal Show like every year.
5. Curtin Pasar Malam *woot!*
6. etc etc etc etc....

Anyways, I got to study for my paper tomorrow. Hurrayy!!! I'll be done this Friday and I'm all yours!! I'll be waking up at 4pm and sleep around 6am. I'll be watching Anime, watch all those dramas, play guitar and baking!!! not really baking but I want to make Pau. What is Pau in english? heck I dont know and I think I should start cause I'm quite sleepy.

Later days,

Double Zee.

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