Friday, July 3, 2009

It's raining...raining *echoes*

Greetings earthlings *wth??*

I like the sound of the rain at times. It helps to calm me down, even though I quite calm right now. It's Friday night and I'm at home, I don't feel like going out today. But tomorrow would be a long day, I also think that I should go and pick my little siblings report card.....hmmm *blank*

I've been avoiding a couple of people since I got back, I'm not sure if they would ever read this but I don't quite care because this is my own personal space online where the whole wide world could read it. There are reasons for me to avoid them, I don't do things without any reasons. On his/her defence he/she must have a reason to do so either but I've been trying to think of any good reason for he/she to do so and I could not see any good ones.

The stories goes something like:
A has been friends with B for quite a long time. A would always be there for B, no matter how hard life goes for B, A would advice B and be the one to calm B down whenever B is in a mess. Okay, you get how their friendship is. *Long story short*
After all of the hard times B goes through and A would never complaint but everyone got their limit and A just reached A's limit and sometimes A thinks that B is that dumb. B told A that B is never going to do the same thing like disappointing B's parent and try to improve B's self. After anything bad happen B would talk to A and A would still advice B but then again, B would never listen, B is getting worst by the moment. A is finally giving up and trying to avoid B because of B's lack of thinking. B always told A that B is going to be better and will find a better B.5 but everytime B.5 would be worst and worst and B would just don't care. But when the relationship doesn't work, B would try to kill B's self and then be sad infront of A. A got sick of B's drama and B would never really listen to A so this time A is washing A's hand clean off B's life drama because A thinks B will learn by B's self the hard way. A also think that if B really wants a worth it relationship, B would have to start looking for it at the right kind of places and not those places where you get drunk and act that you're single and have no wife and kid waiting for you at home. Therefore, I wish A & B good luck! -end-

I went to SS the other day, and somehow it's quite relaxing when the little ones are not there too. I could really chill there and watch the sunset and sunrise. It was damn nice and the night was oh so damn beautiful too!! I like it there when there's no one around.

So next issue would be......RAINFOREST!!! To go Or Not to go.....Tune in next week but I highly think that I won't be going.

Later days,
Double Zee.

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