Thursday, July 30, 2009



today im quite curious about this sentence:

i don't want to hurt her that's why i'm not saying anything.

by not saying anything, dont you know that it hurts not to know? If people are really trying not to hurt some other people's feelings, why the heck did you do the things you did? What the heck is the purpose for our minds, mouth, voice and all those stuff. It's for us humans to think, to communicate, to do all those fucking things that us humans are supposedly be doing. But then again, probably us humans are just to smart to handle it that way and so staying quiet is the only way.

Dont you know when you stay quiet, other people don't know what you think, what you feel or how you feel and stuff. Why can't you just talk. talk for fuck sake! talk! just say what's on your mind because i dont think that there's anythg that's left in this world that i cannot take. I've been through alot, so telling the truth won't kill me, it will make it easier for me to make my decisions.

Enough crapping i guess.
Later days,
Double Zee.

1 What Say You?:

Mia Kim said...

I so agree with u. i JUST hate it when ppl just shut up -_-

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