Sunday, August 23, 2009

About A Boy.

I'm not sure how to tell this story and it have/has/had been on my mind for quite a while. It could be right or it could be wrong? It could be me. I just hope some of it are right. LoL. I'm so sorry, my grammar sucks! But probably he treats every girl he met that way.

I was the last one who went back to Perth earlier this year and whoaaa!! it was quite a semester. A very mind expanding, soul enriching and life exploring. *I actually don't know what I'm trying to say here* The night I arrived in Perth, I went to Utopia for karaoke with Nora, Apeng, Faiz, Rin2, Dya, Azri and Deska. When the clock strikes 12, we sang Happy Birthday to Azri and we were the last group to leave the premises, to think I sang out of tune and all of us screamed our lungs out. Why am I talking about this? It's not the part where I first met him. Haha.

Flash forward ......

Nora organized a surprise advance birthday party for her boyfriend, Apeng. The party was on a boat baby and it was fun because I've been wanting to ride a boat since the holiday but had to go back to Perth. Anywho's, when I got out the car, that was the first time I saw him and I thought to myself, "OMG, there are other people that I don't know". Back then, I'm a bit don't-want-to-mix-with-people type and so I looked at the ground when I walked towards the boat. When we got on the boat, the owner gave us the map, the do's and dont's and off we go! At first we went round and round the same place, then someone decided to go to the UWA's side of the river. There is where we celebrated Apeng's birthday.

While Dya and I was hanging out, a guy came from the back of the boat and sat behind me, he started talking to Dya. He introduced himself to Dya and I was actually laughing in the inside because I thought that he was trying to hit on Dya or something. Dya and I was enjoying ourselves, sitting infront of the boat with our legs hanging on the rail. Of course Dya introduced herself. Then, he introduced himself to me and then, he started a small talk with Dya. Gosh, I was laughing from the inside and Deska said,"Are you trying to hit on Dya?" Then, I swear to God I could have gotten a heart attack from laughing. Dya ignored what Deska said and continued on enjoying the sun. Then, he asked us about our birth year and he was quite amused when Dya told him, her year of birth. He asked Dya's birthdate and Dya bluffed him. Of course I know Dya was lying to him and I was laughing my hearts out, it's just that I can't show it. When he asked me those questions, I answered and just get back to my sunshine happiness on the boat. Not that hard to pleased right? lol.

Oh yea, the named of the guy is Jon. That is how I first met him.

After that day, we meet again on Shahzy's birthday and I was very talkative this time. I was teasing and making fun of everyone, I know I did make fun of Jon. I called him, "walking gps" because a few group of people was lost trying to find that BBQ place. Until now, I don't know why I was so hyperactive that day.

Two weeks after, Dya and I decided to do something for Earth Hour and we made Laksa. It doesn't taste like the ones in Kuching but almost there. haha. Then, on friday we asked people to come. Something funny happened that friday too. Rin came home with Ron for the first time. I still remember, I just finish showering and Rin yelled, "Jot, I have a surprise for you" I wonder, "What could it be?" I put my head out and I saw Ron. I laughed and said, "What the eff lahh ktk org kidnap anak orang". As usual on a Friday night we would have dinner in the city and after dinner, we meet up with everyone infront of Supre. When I say everyone, I mean: Jon, Nasiah, Sarah, Mona, Nurul, Rin, Ron, Dya, Faiz, Azri, Deska and Me. While everyone was gathered there, Dya and I told them to come to our house tomorrow for dinner around 6pm. (Earth hour pictures)

We used to lie down on the inflatable mattress and just watch movie almost everynight, but most of the time I actually sleep. Sometimes he would stretchh, then put his arms around me for a second or two and move away again. I would just keep still just like a rock.

The funny thing is when we singstar, he doesnt even sing! he only sings one song, billy winters - aint no sunshine. Yeaa org tua baa of course like old songs. lol!

I used to get this jumpy feeling everytime he's around, I don't even know why. I guess I'm still so childish that's why he always jokingly say, "Jot, stop being so childish" I would pause for awhile and continue being hyper. but now, all those jumpy feeling I got to stop because he said so.

The time when we went to Lancelin by the beach during sunset was the first time I piggy back ride him. Haha. It was fun cause it's been awhile since I last had a piggy back ride. I was actually really afraid coz I'm heavy and fat, I was afraid to fall and hit the ground. lol.

I like it after he shaved, I would touch his chin when he's watching tv. I like the sharp tingly feeling when I touched his chin.

I don't like it if he doesn't take a shower the whole day, but I like it when he smells nice.

One night, Nazrul ride his bike to our house, so most of us ride his bike. Jon told me that it was his first time riding a bike. Probably he was just joking about it but that night was fun, looking at him trying to ride the bike.

He covered my head when I carried 4 or 5 pizza boxes into the car, cause he thought I would hit the car. And when I get out of the car, when he thought my head would hit the car, he would cover it with his hand and hold the door for me.

I like it when he just pulls me close to him while we're walking and sometimes while we were walking next to each other, I would hold his arms and he would press my hands between his body and arms.

Once, during breakfast he ate something that taste very yuckyy. To convinced me that it's nice so that I would eat it too. He asked me to try, even from the look of it I know that it's not nice. But hey, it was my first time having breakfast there, so I took it.

I like to meet up with him after work, because he would wait outside his office and i could see him from afar, standing there, looking at everyone that passed him by.

I like it sometimes while we were waiting for food or watching the tv or anything. We would play with each others fingers under the table andwhile we're talking to my cousins and everyone.

Sometimes if he sits infront of me he would step on my feet and make funny faces. Which usually I would say, "stop being so childish" hahaha.

I like it when he runs his fingers through my hair while we were sitting watching tv or hanging out at utopia. But then he would always say my hair is not nice and whatever else. I would always answer him back, "yeaa, you're the one who touches it, i didn't ask you to touch my hair".

One night all of us went to Utopia Myaree, it was the beginning of winter and I was so cold. He took of his jacket, I told him not too because after that he was shivering. He put his jacket on me and zipped it up and i feel very guilty.

The time I was sick in Perth, he sat behind me massaging my head and he hugged my head and smells my hair. He said, "your hair smells nice, how come?" and i said, "there are such things we called shampoo that I use"

There are alot of things that I could type or post or something and these are just a few stuff that we did but maybe he treats all the girls like that and not just me.

You can just be honest and say that you don't want to be with me. Probably you're right that I watch too much TV or movies or I read too much books. After what I've been through half of my life, I need to believe in something that there are good things or good ending to something. I don't believe in happy ending though cause I know life is not like the fairy tales. I'm old enough to know. I know it's kind of scary that I still remember every little things especially conversations, it's important to me and he helped to pull me out when I was going down earlier this year and for that i have to thank him, so THANK YOU. He helped me to put my mind off things and at least made me happier for as long as it lasts.

To me, how we are now are not normal because now we are very distant even though you said we see each other everyday. We don't hang out together anymore. You can deny it all you want but who are you kidding? I don't do pretending and to pretend everything's the same is just lying to myself that is why I've been quiet. The reason why for the past few days I was being hyper because I tried my best to not think about all those stuff but my thoughts.

You always think logically, and your decisions are always based on your logical thinking and not how you feel. Let's hope it's going kapisch... I know I am just...nadaaaaa

Reason why I went back to Kuching and didn't tell anyone because.....I don't even know why. I just didn't want to tell you. & I'm sorry for not telling Ron especially.

Later days,
Double Zee.


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