Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Runing through my mind.

Honestly, I don't like how normal is. Because I take normal as we can joke around, poking around, piggy back riding..ahh stuff like that, that is what I take our normal thing are. But I guess I was wrong. I feel uncertain, nahhhh.... empty. Guess the feeling will pass? But I don't want to let it go because I feel good with it. Then again, it won't work if it's just me. I guess I should be on high dosage of medicine so that I sleep most of the time. Hence, no thinking. *sounds like a sleeping party*
Life as it goes, is making me mentally tired by the day, makes my body ache. All I want to do is do nothing and so I think that I should just go back home to Kuching and sleep my days off.
"I guess it's okay I puke the day away"
But then, I have to finish my degree. haha. I hate it. I hate all of it. Hate these kind of stuff. I just want to be............. a rockstar!!!!!!!!! a high on drugs and alcohol kind of rockstar. wahaha what the heck am I saying? I'm waiting for my next class actually.So yeah, I like to let my imagination runs wild and sometimes it's quite dangerous *that girl is so dangerous*
Oh yesterday, dad got pissed at me because I didn't answer his phone calls. I was in class, it was on silent and that is why I didn't answer his calls. Why does he have to be like that? Well, I know that he's worried about Rin's conditions but then, chill man. I'll be alright and hey, we all need a reason to die anyways.
p/s: some of the things that i typed in this post is..........different from how and what i'm thinking.
Later days,
double zee.

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