Wednesday, September 30, 2009

There's nothing left to feel

It's been awhile since I last updated my blog.

Argh. A lot had happened. somehow, I'm not sure what to type.

1. Celebrated Raya In Perth Again.
2. Jon went to Karratha for work. Mining stuff.
3. I've fallen into deep til there's nothing left for me to feel
4. I'm trying to get myself back but as days goes by, I found myself caring less and less.
5. Family came here for raya.
6. Went to a group meeting on the first day of raya.
7. Missed out on The Scripts concert.
8. Feels like partying all the time.
9. Effa came to Perth.
10. Sent an email explaining everything. not everything.
11. Im hating where I am in life right now.
12. Been wanting to go to the Uni's counsellor.
13. I don't like being numb but I just can't help myself.
14. Diesel asked me out again. *no-echoes*
15. I don't know how excitement feels like anymore
16. I can smile infront of people but I don't feel happiness.
17. Took a health quiz in a health website> Im a high risk depressed
18. I'm asking for help. Plz anyone!


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