Monday, November 9, 2009

Sha said you're assuming skills are forever.

Sometimes i wonder if some people thinks that im in no mood or anything because of him.
Well, partly it is because i miss him. but most of it is because of stress, things i have to handle, things i have to remind myself, things i have to prepare for the future. Had to handle group assignments stuff, when i come back home, it's all messy and such, piles of plates, glasses everywhere, rubbish overflowing, and so on lah. It added up to my stress and nearly made me go crazy, that i decided to stay out from home for two nights. that was stress free! i was the most richess homeless girl ever!

So, that is why i really need to go back to Kuching. I need to go crazy, because i've decided to try and be how i used to be with improvements...well am trying to be a better self. So, i think i just need to get away, thats it.

I have to admit that i am quite moody this semester, it's not that fun like how it used to be. maybe this semester's fun are a bit different from last semester's fun. This semester's fun is like clubbing-ish-kinda fun? lol. Well i guess i should embrace it anyhow eh?

p/s: i love my advisors! they kept reminding me of everything and kept listening to my things. Thank you for not judging without knowing. lol.

Later days,
Double Zee.

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