Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Holiday in Kuching was fun. I'm missing Kuching! & I'm continuing my holiday in Perth. Spent a couple of days with people that matters to me. The last night in Kuching was fun, had a spontaneous karaoke mood and I watched the Spring closed down. It was fun, even though it was nothing.

The day I will always remember would be, the random joyride day. Als and I went to the beach and play around. Als and I even went kayaking at Kem Permai, it was a fun day. Ice cream for lunch, hiding from people but in the end, went to meet everyone. Als and I practically dug our own grave that day *lie lie and lie some more* The lies was so bad that we end up meeting everyone. lol. Nonetheless, it was a very fun day.

Back in Perth, I've been craving for Ben & Jerry's ice cream. Why-oh-why Alston? Now that I'm craving for something that is not even in Perth. *OMG! Perth beaten by Kuching?* So far, I am BROKE! I'm looking for a job. Plz hire me! anyone! so that, i get some of my own cash! woot! and I can go to Melbourne Mid-Year! Wooohuuu!!

Later days,
Double Zee.

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