Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I feel so empty. It hurts so bad. But for me to say sorry for something I didn't do. It's not the way I am. I was a bit terkejut when dad just left like that to run after my step-mum. I think it would be better if my cousins sent me to the airport. No wonder my gut feeling really wanted my cousins to send me too. Als said I should just let go and move on. Here's the thing, my dad left me just like that, when I called him, he didn't even answer the phone because I wanted to tell him that I need to go inside and hoped that he would be at the departure hall but he didn't even answer my call.

Here's the other thing that I thought about:
before this I used to think my dad would be there for me. but then, when my step-mum got emo over something I didn't do. He left to chased after her, so what about my feelings? doesn't that count too?

Then, who can I turned to in this world? Who will be there for me when I cry? Crying myself to sleep at night, hoping that one day I would get that one person that would be there for me no matter what.

I also think that I'm bothering Als with what I'm going through or anything. I can take on the world. One at the time. hee hee. Kelv once told me that, Als really treasure our friendship. Well, I do too, I don't want to make him go away.

1 What Say You?:

Anonymous said...

be strong girl, who ever u are. love yr parents, love yr step mother, love everyone. you'll be happy if u forgive everyone

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