Friday, March 19, 2010

Today would be the 20th day after grandpa's passed away. We held prayers at home for Maghrib and Isya'. Menu for the night would be:

Nasi Briyani Ayam

Chicken Curry
Mix Vege Beef Oyster
Banana Cake
Marissa and I started cooking around 4.30pm and finished cooking around 6.30pm. It's quite early compare to before. I made everything from scratch okay! I'm in this experimenting-food-mood again. I hope the food would taste nice too and I would be really in the mood to cook! lol.

The day been so good so far and I've been skipping the group fitness classes. Gahh~!!! Why don't I have the will power to go? I'm shy!!

Later days,
Double Zee.

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