Sunday, March 7, 2010

A week passed. I miss grandpa ever so badly, I feel sad for grandma all the time. She cries after prayers, when she sleeps and probably every time the thought of my grandpa crept her mind. Now, she's a bit sick because of the hectic week.

Yesterday, while I was running errands, I saw a photo album in the backseat and I opened it up. It was pictures of them in London. Grandpa was very healthy and grandma look so happy, they both look so.....I can't put it into words. I cried instantly, thinking of grandpa and how much I would give to see that again. But then, I should let go and just pray for him. He lived his life, raised his kids well and lived to see his 30+ grandchildren. That's quite enough for a grandpa, right?

A lot of things crossed my mind, about marriage, about life, about losing someone, and I don't think I can take it. Maybe it's the present, I might change my mind in the future. Lol. Anyways, I'm just gonna try and spend my days with grandma while I'm in Kuching.

Later Days,
Double Zee.

1 What Say You?:

If I Deal Ya said...

My deepest condolence to you and your family. Al-Fatihah. Be strong, Zsa. I'm sure your grandpa is in a better place now.

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