Monday, April 5, 2010

Everything started out like:

Zsa Zsa: Love & Live Freely~ says:
u tweet?

Angelina says:
shuld i

Zsa Zsa: Love & Live Freely~ says:
i dunno
just askng
u shudnt

Angelina says:
ahahahah why zsaaaaaaa

Zsa Zsa: Love & Live Freely~ says:
u'll say its stupid
thts why

Angelina says:
lol i love how u know me so welll

Zsa Zsa: Love & Live Freely~ says:
why arent u a real man gie?
we wud be married by now
ohh how we complete each other

Angelina says:
i knoww
than il bw sucha fucker
il screw everything tht moves zsa
so maybe thts why God made me a girl

Zsa Zsa: Love & Live Freely~ says:
not me
coz i know u laa
maybe before u know me
u wud screw around

Angelina says:
lol yalah than u get all emoo
Zsa Zsa: Love & Live Freely~ says:
fuck yeaa~
that is why i love u too~
you know me so very well

Angelina says:
love u tooooooo

Our conversation continues, but the point of me posting this up is because of how much i love her. Despite the fact that she's sobering up while chatting with me. I love her to bits. She's like my same sex significant other.

In our facebook, we are married to each other. We started out by sitting next to each other throughout my form 5 year (final year) in secondary school. It was fun! She'll be there making fun of me when I come to school crying. I'll be there laughing at her, whenever she falls in love, which is TWICE in her entire life.

I laugh for a purpose okay? She's like a guy, with the ego of a guy who plays all these games towards guys themselves~ So, it's fun laughing at her when she falls in love, she'll get freak out about marriage, kids, career, religion and stuff like that. I think that she's actually thinking too much before her real time? but then, I think I think WAYYY further than her. I also laugh because she's different when she's in a relationship or anything.

We spent time on getting to know each others family. You know good things takes time, so we took as much time that we need to understand each other so well. Fucking hell man! this is like a love letter to angie! haha. It's alright!
I love you Angelina Tera~
You're the place I run to when I'm about to go crazy, You keep me sane when I'm about to kill myself, You laugh at my breaks up but then you'll console and convinced me that I deserve better than whoever I've been with because you know how i am, who i am, the good, the bad, the ugly and the worst of me.

Later days
Double Zee.

p/s: she taught me about kleenex boys. haha!

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