Sunday, September 30, 2007

First Blog Entry

First of all thiss is my first blog

( - _ -)"

Here's the definition of my link:

hogwash = stupid talk/idea

rascal = a playful person (well i think, everybody knows what rascal means~)

Today is Sunday~ and it would be the end of my One Week Break~ it is supposed to be a study week break~ but then again, i didn't even touch my book for the whole week~ I got a test on Wednesday and a group discussion on Tuesday~ and i havent do anythg for my part~

Accidentally took this pic & i like my fingers~

Yesterday, all of us planned to go to PERTH ROYAL SHOW but in the end, we break our fast at Makan Makan, then went to the Korean Hi-Mart across the street for ice-cream!!! Then Ee drove around, his first plan was to go to the Bell Tower but there's no parking space and so we went to Kings Park. Somehow, there was alot of families there with their kids....and we took a few photos at Bali Memorial place. i'll update it later~

we're thinking~ we're the unwanted kids! ( ^ _ ^ )

~Happy sign~

we're about to go home.... After those kids brought their parents~and one of the boys called us "IDIOTS" -Mok knak tampa palak anak org puteh nektok..sialan! BUT the rest okay jakk~huh they talked to me bah!-

Bali Memorial

After that we went back home and it was still early!! then we decided to go for a movie~


i love this movie~ hehehe it's a story between the reality and the magical world and not to forget LOVE! i guess in every story there would always be LOVE involved~ IM A STAR! IM A STAR!


That's all from me today & Im not finish fixing my blog yet!

It's me~ pointing@ Azri, reminding him not to pass

2 What Say You?:

fairuz adnan said...

zsazsa goes public. hehaea.

~nuTt*~ said...

oi..eE looks so HOT there...omg..i hav to say that if he's not ur cousin i'd definitely fall for him..ehehe...

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