Sunday, September 30, 2007

Winter Holiday 2007 Back In Kuching!

I went back to Kuching last holiday(winter holiday 07-mid year)...Just like any other holiday, i would always go back to Kuching. But last holiday i was really looking foward to go back to Kuching, I've never ever wanted to leave Kuching early this year. It was because i feel like as if i'm leaving something behind. I was sad for days! and days and wanting to go home even before i got on the plane to Singapore. I've shed a few tears too! ( ^ _ ^ )

Last holiday, i was really looking foward to go back was because of AMIR! i wanted to hanged out with him like we did early this year...i don't think we really hanged out, it's just that i go almost everywhere, i would asked him, if he wants to follow and send him food, when he was was fun for me! seriously! i dont even know why.......But now, he got himself a GF and we didn't even hanged out together..NOT EVEN ONCE!!...Not til the last minute where i msged him, saying that i'm going back to Perth tomorrow. i was panicked that night, it felt like as if i were to vomit everythg that i ate earlier on...hahah but when i saw him, everythg turns OKAY! and i was surprised that Johan! was with him too Johan a.k.a. my maths tutor! hahaha what a small world huh? Johan is also Amir's friend and i know Johan since i was 15 year old...but i'd never know Amir that time...when i was a stupid kid..hahaha! SO! Im really thankful that i got to see Amir the last night i was in Kuching! I miss him! i don't know why but i still do miss him. But i have to let this feeling pass, if we're meant to be then we'll be sooner or later..if it doesn't then we won't, there would always be someone much better than him...even though it hurts like hell right now!! he's happy so i'm happy for him( ^ _ ^ )
I also worked last holiday, MY First Experience!! working with other people~ it was fun while it lasted, it lasted only for 4 days hahaha! my job as a waitress...

Yeahh that's me, it was taken on the last night i worked and it was the best experience ever..SO FAR~ hehehe the difference of working with people is that, you'll learn the hardship of working and you got to go to work almost everyday...and it's fun like that..i don't want to work where i got that JOB because they know my family or so's kinda suck! to get a job like that...well, at least i've experienced it ONCE in my Thankful for the opportunity! Thanks to the BOSSES TOO!! ( ^ _ ^ )

I only hanged out with Afiq once last holiday and then he went and leave me alone in Kuching! SO KEJAM!!! Hmmmm.. i guess i would probably avoid him next holiday, well, so far we've only msn a few times, i guess that's good considering that everytime we're together we took each other for granted. Like i only talked to him when i'm bored and sad and he would only talk to me when he feels like's a give and take relationship hahaha! bodoh!! Constant pain in the HEAD!!! hahahaha! anyways, Good Luck To U Fiq!

After i worked at Je Raul, I worked for my dad...AGAIN!!! i wanted to quit but my aunt and cousin asked me not too....not til my dad got back to Kuching...Oww Yaaa! My parents went to Umra' for 2 weeks...ANDDDDD!!!!!! I got to take care of my 2 little siblings...THEY!!!! makes me feel like i've taken care of 10 KIDS!!! erghh overall, they're good lil siblings..i guess..hahaha!
i went and hanged out with Angie too this holiday...erkk!!! AND! i saw ekin with her friends and TJ, we bumped into each other coincidentally!!!! wahahahaha that was quite err making me BLUR! seriously! that time i was quite busy with my phone and suddenly she just said, "oi!" and turned her back on me...i was like whaaaa??? BUT!! she didn't even say anything to Sha...all these while, she asked how was sha doing and such, but when we ACCIDENTALLY meet! she didn't even say hi to her!


Ohh yaaa...let's get back to the story....i went to Rainforest this year and it was fun, the music and all....then again, i met my stalker errghhh eyew!!! seriously, i can be friends with him but then again! STOP ACTING EYEWWISHHH!!! I HATE IT! I HATE STALKERS! THEY CREEPS ME OUT!!!! i met up with Angie there too...and i think i would probably go AGAIN next year! This time, i've asked Kak Nora to asks damai, if i can book the room now...huwahahaha kekeke There was also MTV VJ(C0lby & Denise) & Channel V Vj (Marion-if im not mistaken & Alvin or Alvy or something like tht) I dont like the crowds but i really like the music~ and i also like Hanum's friend~ very cute hahahaha her senior or somethg~ im not so sure ( - _ - )"

A day before i went back to Perth, Angie went back to Miri...Nutt and i sent Angie to the was a fun BUT a sad day too ( - _ - )

Three of us....we hanged out for awhile at STARBUCKS~ Yeah..Kuching have STARBUCKS now but we, Kuching people would have to go to the AIRPORT to go to STARBUCKS!! hahahahaha!After we sent Angie off, Nutt and i went down and eat LAKSA!!! oww yeahhhh i likee!!

Then, Nutt bought a new handphone!! waaaa i want a new phone TOO!!! ( T _ T ) U700!!!
I was really sad! when i think about that my holiday is going to be over and i have to go back to Perth without knowing what major i was going to change...actually, i've never really make any decision about what to major, i'm just following what my dad wants me too...i guess for now i would just have to follow what they want me to they said ONLY THEY KNOW WHATS BEST FOR ME (Oh me~ Oh my~ where do i stand in my life?) but i do have A LIST and I HAVE TO DO IT BEFORE I DIE!!! HaHaHa i NEED to do all those stuff IN MY LIST!! BUT THEN AGAIN~ as long as i finish my degree first~ then! im going to start doing the things in my list~ i guess its okay taking what ever it is now~

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