Sunday, October 14, 2007

Late Post Of First Day Raya 07

Yesterday (Saturday - 13 Oct 07) the date for the first day of raya for this year....It's been 3 years, i celebrated my Raya here in Perth.....IT SUCKS!!!!!! SERIOUSLY!!!!!

Around 10am
>>> My mom called me up, twice...but i was half asleep and half awake and so, i didnt answered the phone...and besides it's better to sleep rather than thinking about the fact that im celebrating raya in Perth AGAIN!!!

Around 12pm
>>> Ee said we're going to his friends house for errr open house....the satay was really really tasty....the rendang was yummy~~ but then i miss nekpeh's serunding! (T_T)
>>> Spent a couple of hours there and head back home
>>> Before we went to Ee's friend house, we took picturez by the fire place....(i'll update tht later)

Around 3 or 4 pm
>>>we went SHOPPING!!! went o Garden City! Seriously there was nothing else better to do~ Celebrating raya here SUCKS!!!!
>>> Dad bank-in some money for me earlier..tht's why i bought some stuff
>>> bought: 2 blouses, 2 shirt, a pair of jeans and a shirt for Imping, a pair of shoes(shoes pun pakey a pair kah? maaf lah!! limited vocab!) and a belt....

Around 6pm
>>>went to Uni!~ Yippie!!!! heehehehe play basketball...Azri, Faiz and Me~ till 7pm....

That is what i did for this year's raya! fun right?? Don't u wish that YOU're IN MY PLACE?????

p/s: i'll post the pics sometime later~ im lazy n blur!

1 What Say You?:

~nuTt*~ said...

missing you~

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