Monday, October 8, 2007


yeap yeap, yesterday i called nekpeh up and still NOT ALLOWED TO GO BACK FOR RAYA~ but in the end nekpeh is sad (T_T) feel guilty about it though...
i went to accounting managerial lecture today....and after class i went to international office(bldg 101) to asked about the sumer course in miri thing. Then, they sent me off to CBS service desk...Then, the receptionist at the service desk told me to go to the international office, bldg 408, Lvl 2. and so i went~ but when i reached level 2~ it's the school of marketing so i just asked people behind the reception desk...and they point right back to the international office (bldg 101) and just now, i went to uni, to meet up with my group member for the presentation tomorrow....i waited for Azri to picked me up at the CBS round-about and i started walking and i saw the 408 bldg directory...the international office that the CBS receptionist told me was supposed to be on Lvl 4 " THE INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM OFFICE"
and Azri ate "red meat" tonight...well it was actually smoked salmon but he kept on being sarcastic that the "meat" is too salty...and before Ee already mentioned that it's salmon but Azri ate like alot of it but still he kept on saying that it's meat~ new word to put in the dictionary "chickan" for chicken! kekekeke
I haven't study for my IPA LAB QUIZ THIS THURSDAY LAHH!!!
im bored actually i dont even know what to type or post or anythg~ i just want to go home...and before i forgot...
AL-FATIHAH to Meezan's mom~ who passed away earlier today because of cancer
all of us shud support P!nk Ribbon! hehehe :D

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