Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Lingers in my brain.....Does friendship really last forever?

Hello, good morning and how are you? what the heck??? Sorry in advance for my english huhu!! i just dont really care whether if it's correct or not...but do tell me if there's any error~ thanks!

Yeap, i'm still up at 3am...it's an hour early here bcoz of daylight saving. i hate day light saving!! i don't even know why they bother to implement that thing!!!
Anyways, the point of me typing right now is that, while watching "Gossip Girl" someway somehow it reminds me of my friends...i guess, where ever you're from, there would always be DRAMAS!! the lame stupid ones! Let me tell anyone who even bother to read my blog! haha!

Last holiday, 2006, i went back to Kuching (as usual), and of course i hanged out with the same people like always did.... Eqeen, Sha, and I, well, most of the time ever since we finished Secondary school it has always be just the three of us....(i'll talk about school years & cracq family in some other future posts). I also met a new friend by the name of Man, he worked at Scoops with Mark, Mark and I went tuition together, same with almost all of us. So, i went to Scoops to visit Mark cause i haven't seen or hanged out with him..sincee.....God knows when! and i met Man there, so we became friends.....well, anyways, Man and i grew closer....blablablablabla akuuu inggaa!!! inggaaa tahap dewaaaa rasa nok mandik kol 3 am jak aku type benda tok!! anyways, i must bare the "ingganess" and now i regret!!! hahaha so much for NO REGERETs!! Somehow, Zarith suddenly started to hanged out with us...it's never a problem for me because we're old friends...school friends especially!! Eqeen, broke up with Shafiq too~ He cheated on her with his classmate or something @ itm. Then, after that, all of us including Abu started to hanged out together. Abu is Eqeen's Ex, who is also my friend, we went tuition together too~ Eqeen left Abu for Shafiq, back in those days....when we were in Form 4. When anyone first look at Abu and i, probably people would think that we're a couple...but Abu and i are just friends....we know each other too well because if there's anything regarding girls or anything, Abu would talked to me, Only if im in Kuching. OKAY!! start ngereco!!


One night, i was online, as usual, i still remember, i was chatting with Afiq, and my phone ranged "Jot, ktk ada padah apa apa hal Zarith depan Abu kah?" i was quite blur but i said, "Xda papa, nok padah apa? apahal? apa jadi??" then, Eqeen end the conversation with, "Xda papa, klak mek cita ngan ktk keh? bye!" and hanged up. I was quite blur, surprised and curious, did something happened? is it something serious? what happened? what happened? what happened? kept on lingering in my head!! But then, i just continued on chatting with Afiq, he was in Kuching too at that time....Oh yaa, i broke up with Man because i felt guilty, hanging out with Afiq, without him knowing about it~ hahaha so for me, that's the most reasonable thing for me to do..if i really like Man, i won't be going out with Afiq without him knowing about it....the fact is that, i lied to him about it, at first yaa~ i did went out with Elin, but i picked up Afiq, on the way to McD. oh fuckk oh fuck!! yaa! After i broke up with him, Man started getting paranoid and he thought that I LIKE ABU!!!!!! i didn't tell him about i went out with Afiq, see, Afiq is my old old friend, i've known him when i was 15 years old and we've been friends ever since.... (^_^)


Somehow, i passed it off, and just continued chatting with Afiq, and he felt guilty because i broke up with Man. Hahahaha bodo ehh! Still ingga tahap dewa! now when i think about relationships, huh i've just turned 20! and it is so pointless!! hahaha Then, i saw Nana login in Msn, but it was Eqeen....So, i just talked to her, i asked her, "pahal? apa jadi?" Then she said, "xda papa, Abu sik reply msg Zarith and mun Zarith call pun, Abu macam mok sik mok jak layan nya" by that time, my head was completely somewhere else, thinking why did they asked me stuff like that....so i said, "i haven't talked to Abu, the last time i talked to Abu was the last night that all of us went out, and probably Abu is busy, that's why he doesn't really talk and probably he doesn't have any credit to reply Zarith's sms~" and then, i can't remember what she said but she came up with a new topic...not really new but kinda like a divert topic...WHICH IS! ABU!!! huhu Abu is quite famous huh? among our friends~~ Before, Abby likes Abu & she did try to flirt with him BUT it doesn't mean that just because Abu and i are close, that i would like Abu...So, she said, "Jot, ktk tauk nak kmk masih suka Abu?" and of course i said, "yeahh!!!" then, i thought, where is she going with this conversation & topic, somehow deep down my tummy feels weird, as if i was going to bluwekkk all night!! hahaha anyways, and i said to myself, oh god! i know u still like Abu, even if you're with Shafiq, i know that you still like Abu. In 2005, end of that year, Shafiq went to China or somewhere~ Eqeen, Abu, Sha and i, went out almost everyday!! back and forth to Itm (when sha's semesters starts) But we didn't mentioned anything about Shafiq....Eqeen asked me, "Jot, ktk suka Abu kah?" and i laughed but i did answer her, i said, "mun ktk tyk mek, kmk suka Abu, suka mek nya pi kawan ajak coz ktk dah knal dari skolah, mun ktk tyk mek, kmk suka as in sukaa ngan nyaa sik........coz Abu ya bah!" Then Eqeen told me not to get/be close with Abu anymore, i was puzzled and somehow, i was hurt, my feelings la!!! i know it's very RARE to see that my feelings gets hurt but hey! im still human(so it seems). I don't even know what to do or say to her, and at that time, sha was back in Itm, and we were going to picked her up on friday....After that, she said her mom is looking for her phone..and so she go to go. And so you see, the POWER OF A BESTFRIEND (i would have to say FORMER), they can hurt you!!! even though you've never been hurt before in your life, but when your bestfriend told you not to be friends with your own friends anymore...somehow, it's like SHE STABBED ME RIGHT AT THE HEART...and it was like OUCHHHH!!!

The next day, when i woke up, i still think about it, what makes she think that i like Abu? What makes she think that i said anything about Zarith that would make Abu doesn't want to talk to her or even reply her sms. I woke up with confused, and that day, i didn't went out with Eqeen or anybody, i just stayed home and watched TV, i need to think! and around noon, i called Sha up...i told her what happened....and she said that actually she knows about it, but she asked me to promise her that i won't be mad at her. Of course i promised her that i won't be mad at her or anything and she told me everything, she told me that the day before Eqeen called her and talked to her about "Me liking Abu" and Sha asked her to consider what she's thinking and what she's saying cause it might turned out ugly!! and Sha also remind her that, we're bestfriend, it's not a good thing thinking about stuff like that towards me, Sha was also afraid that i would get hurt. Actually, i don't care if she called me up and asked me if i said any bad things about Zarith infront of Abu, coz i did answered it honestly~ I DIDNT SAY ANYTHING TO ABU!!! and when she asked me about ME LIKING ABU, i also answered it honestly, I DONT LIKE ABU!! Abu is like my bestfriend, when he got girls problem, he'll call me or i call him back when he wants someone to talk too and when i have problems or questions, i would asked him...that's just the way our friendship is! HoHoHO! and so i didn't mentioned anything about Sha, the fact is that actually, Eqeen and Sha hide the thing from me, BUT now, Eqeen doesn't even talked to Sha anymore BECAUSE! Eqeen thought that Sha would hide my secret from her, heck!! i dont have any secrets! at that time, because of the "Man" matters, i just decided to hanged out with my friends but it turned out otherwise...even my own friend thought that i like Abu...and plus, SOMEHOW, Man, started saying the same thing, he said that i like Abu, that's why i dumped him! SHiat!!! my email says it ALL! The_player!!! yahh!! puas ati ko!!! hahahahahahahaha sorry marah kjap tek! and he started saying that, why do u have to talk to Abu, cant u talk to me, i would if you would understand what im trying to say!!!! duh!!!! i would! if u don't go crazy about it!!!! hohoho somehow, this thing is starting to pissed me off again!! hohohoho anyways...i told him, "what the fuck with Abu, whats up with you and Eqeen, why do u guys think that i like Abu? who told you that i like Abu? Abu is just one of my friend! You don't even know my other friends.....i'm not just closed with Abu, i'm also closed with Mark, Bryan, and all of my other friend, just because you only know Abu, doesnt gives you the right to say anything u want" ohh well, he cried...i was getting very stuffy, and so i just hanged up the phone...it's kinda annoying!!! when people call you just to cry!! hahaha now i know what Afiq feels like!! hahahaha

Even though, Eqeen also accused Sha that she's hiding my secrets from Eqeen, hurts Sha's feeling but she let it slipped because we've been friends since secondary school and literally, we've been through alot together too~ with other friends and school authorities and families....when i think about it~ have i ever kept any secret from Eqeen? i don't think so...i don't tell her everything that happened to me but i didn't kept any secret from her~ ohh well, ppl and their VERY ACCURATE INSTINCT! other ppl would be DEAD WRONG!


When we picked Sha up at Itm on Friday, i don't even know what to do or what to think, when i was in the car with Eqeen, i was really really blur and blank!! but then, i was thankful that we reached Itm...and Eqeen doesn't even mentioned anything about it, what she asked me before, she made it as if nothing ever happened, i would like too at this time but i was still confused about it...and somehow, the environment was quite awkward, and at Itm, we picked Sheila up too~ after that, we hanged at Sheila's house, coz i've haven't hanged out with her for a very long time~Sheila is one of my bestfriend! since errr 2001??? if im not mistaken....Friday flew by awkwardly and confusingly for me! haha can't wait for Saturday!! huhu!! and on Thursday night, Eqeen sms me and she said she was sorry, so i forgive her...(not knowing what the future will bring!!!)

It's Saturday!! in my family, Saturday means, you can sleep in till~ afternoon!! hahahaha and because im on my holiday, of course i sleep in~ BUT!!!!(jeng! jeng! jeng!) my phone was ringing, and it can't stop ringing!! around 8 or 9am....i looked at my phone, and Eqeen was the one who called me, but i was too sleepy, so i put my phone on silent and went back to bed...but she kept on calling...even though it was on silent, my phone vibrates so, i can't sleep when the pillow next to me vibrates!!! so i woke up early that day, around 10 or 11am, she tried to call me again, but this time i was pretty pissed off being disturbed from my Saturday Sleeping Day! so, i answered her call, she said that she's sending her sister for music lesson and she's going to my place to hanged out, and i was like, "hah? kmk gk tydoe tok...petang kit lah tak dtg, mek ngantok and mek lom mandik n mek mok tydoe" and she said, "aiee sikpa...ta ilek umah tak ajak, ilek lam bilit tak, sik perlu tak mandik" i cant argue with her anymore, and so i agreed. i woke up and take my shower....I went down to the kitchen, with my hair still wet, dark circles, i waited for her....when we were talking on the phone earlier on, she didn't even mentioned that Zarith is also coming...at this stage, i just dont really like to see Zarith....Who gives her the right to say that i say bad things about her infront of Abu? is she someone important that i want to talked about and say bad things about infront of other people??

They came around 12 pm, i was quite shocked when i saw Zarith with Eqeen, but they are still my friends, and Eqeen said that she wanted to hanged out, so i invited them in....but they insist on sitting outside at the patio on the swings, but at the same time, i was also entertaining my brother's friend, because my bro was in his room and they're about to go somewhere~ Zarith and Eqeen didn't know that i was at the door when they talked, i heard Zarith said, "tanyak nya nun" and she was surprised when she saw me standing by the door, and i just ignored it and asked them to come in, and finally my mom persuade them to come in...when we came in, my brother and his friend went out, so that leaves the living room, all to ourselves.hahahaha!! that was fun!! u know, being alone with them!!! it was quite awkward, and i asked them, do they want to sing? my dad was singing karaoke in the tv room, but they didnt so we just sat there, and i kept on waiting for them to come up with anything because i realized that when everytime, i talked to Eqeen, she would try to avoid making eye contact with me...and FINALLY!!! Zarith got the guts to asked me!!!!! "ktk ada pdh apa apa hal kmk ngan abu ka?" i was surprised "ktk mok mek pdh apa ngan Abu? the last time mek kakar ngan Abu ya mlm kta suma kuar ya makan kfc kat airport ya, bukan mlm ya nya ada kakar ngan ktk ka?" then she looked like as if she's guilty or something..i dont know but all i know is that she also tried to avoid from making any eye contact with me, and i continued, "gk pun apa mek nok pdh ngan Abu hal ktk? mek duak Abu mun kakar, sik penah kakar hal org, salu nya kakar hal mek org pun ajak, ya pun hal mcm mun nya ada hal ngan ompuan or nya knal ompuan baru kah apa, nya cerita ngan kmk, mun sik mek duak sik akan kakar mun sik kta suma kuar sama" and she said, "x tauk mek eh, nya sik reply sms mek and mun mek call nya mesti nya cam sik mok kakar ngan kmk" at this point, i figured out their purpose of coming to my house, i replied, "Abu bah, mun nya sik reply erti nya sekda credit, mun nya sekda rasa nok kakar, kali nya gk ngan family nya and gk ada keja" and Zarith just looked down and tried to talk about something else, THEN, Eqeen called Abu, of course she didn't tell me that she called Abu just now, but from the way she talked, i know that she was talking with Abu, and she said, "Rit, ta gie umah kwn ku kjap pastok" and i know...Kawan that she mentioned was actually Abu, 5 minutes after that, Eqeen said, "Mek org chow lok, ptg tok tek, anta brg kat umah Man nak? Ptg kit klak mek ambik tak, mak mek nok pakey keta, ada org ninggal, org keja umah mek org, mak mek nok pakey keta kmk coz keta ipsum besar gilak nok masok lorong2". i just said, "ohh okay, sikpa...mun ktk sikpat pun sikpa, sekda benda penting juak bah, ilek lah"

As soon as they leaved, i called Abu up, and told him that i'd never called him or asked him anything....hahaha i called him up just to make sure that if it was Abu that she called and he said, "Aok, Eqeen call mek tek?" and after that, i told him that i never called u or asked u anythg...i still havent said anythg about everythg to Abu, cause i thought that we could settle the thing! (but i was wrong!) Then, i just call Elin up and asked for her help, about going to send Man's stuff back, he asked me to upload some songs to his phone. and Eqeen msged me, and so we smsed....at first she asked me whats up....and i just said nothing, and just talked to her about Afiq, hahaha and i even told her that i like Afiq, just to get Abu out of the way and somehow, she was being sarcastic and started to be RELIGIOUS towards me!!! and i was like, what the hell is she trying to say?? she asked me whats up, so i was using Afiq's name (Afiq knows, i told him everythg) and she suddenly said, "xda mek kaka hal ya..hal man, if sa nak confused klak2 jgn jak bgerec dolok. ya jak. dah eh. x pandey mek explain" for all the entire time i've known her, i've never know that she would talked to me rudely(is that even a word?) and i asked her, "apa di kaka ktk tok kin? sik phm mek?" and she replied, " xda papa..just suma benda d polah kta tok as manusia" she's like trying to warned me about something but she's using lame excuses as her reason!!! Elin and Sha read the msged, and Sha took my phone away from me, coz i told Sha that i'm going to reply her msg, and im going to be sarcastic too til it hurt her so much that she decided to kill herself.
i wanted to say:
"ney ktk pdh ktk phm apa jadi ngan kmk nektok? mun ktk sikphm, jgn pdh phm...pdh jak sik phm..sik perlu nok sindir org! and ktk apa kurang nya bah? u get what u deserved! ktk tinggal Abu for Shafiq dolok, masa tak ngan Abu at that same time ktk ngan Shafiq juak, kmk gk dpt pdh ngan cdak knek tok yang ktk main ngan nya duak dolok, so that duak duak akan marah ngan ktk~ but mek rasa ktk dah cerik apa ktk polah ngan Abu dolok, nektok, Shafiq gk ninggal ktk bcoz of ompuan lain...just like what u did to Abu, so jgn try nok pdh tek kmk sik tauk apa mek polah, kmk tauk apa mek polah and mek sedar mek polah salah. tapi bila ktk polah salah, kmk sekda sindir ktk! kmk sekda judge ktk! nektok Abu dah sikmok ngan ktk, ktk lalu pdh kmk suka ngan nya? gney tak pandey terpikey mek suka ngan Abu? and apa point kmk nok anok Zarith depan Abu, ktk knal kmk dari kta skolah, mun kmk nok anok org, mek anok depan2~!"

i typed that and asked all of them to read, but they dont want me to send it to her, they told me to be patient...and my head was pretty messed up that day...and the fact that Man cried!!!!! when i gave him back his phone!!! gosh!!! it's driving me crazy! and i felt guilty....break jak nangis...blom gk pdh that i cheated on him ngahahahahaha!! I did reply to Eqeen's sms but i just said thanks~ and after that, i dont even bother to reply her sms anymore. Then, Elin sent me to my grandma's house bcoz we're having a small gathering...
it was pretty messed up, my head was jumbled up! that i cant even breathe! and so, i turned to Amir Hirman, i smsed him, and told him about everything....he told me to just ignore them or tell the truth...i told him that, i have done all of that, but when i told them the truth, they still won't listen!!! So, he asked me to relax and just dont care about them anymore...after that, we started to hanged out together....

The first time, Eqeen said she was sorry, i forgive her, thinking that probably she knows and understand now...but on Monday, she sms me:
"Jot, mek msh t'tyk2 jot...benarka ktk penah suka ngan Abu, mun benar pun pdh lah trus terang ngan kmk...kmk hargai jot....jgn ktk palat ngan fshp kta tok jot". I was with Amir when i received the sms...and i just throw the phone somewhere, he looked at me and asked, "pahal tikam phone?" so i told him that im mad, bcoz of that so called bestfriend that i told you about, and bila kmk marah, kmk tikam phone mek, mek kan nya tikam phone ktk pun,drpd mek ngancor benda org lain, gus mek ngancor benda mek dirik. He accompanied me to pick up Mimi from tuition, and while we were waiting, i show him the sms, and he said, "just answer her honestly" and i looked at him, "kmk dah pdh ngan cdak, kmk sik suka abu, kmk sekda kakar hal zarith depan abu, mek sik gago hal apa dipolah nya or apa dah dipolah nya, kmk sik kesah, apa gk nok di gago mek nok kakar hal nya depan abu, kan nya mek ada untong apa apa pun~ eh, malas mek nok reply dolok eh, klak mek sampey umah klak reply" so we waited for Mimi to finish and i sent Amir home, and i replied her sms:
"sorry lbt reply kin, mek gk ambik mimi n mek gk ngan amir tek.....mek dah pdh ngan ktk masa first ktk tyk mek ariya bah...Apa nyuroh tak pikey mek suka ngan Abu? coz gney mek duak bguro kh? mek dari tuition gia ngan nya, kan ngan nya sorg jak, ngan mark, bryan pun mek gia juak, mek salu gk gurin2 ngan mark, mek rasa mek rapat gk ngan mark coz mun mek duak b'temu, nya mesti ada hug kmk...mun cara nek kakar ngan abu tak pdh mek suka ngan nya, mek kakar ngan suma org sama, ngan abu pun mek duak ada berkawu, abby yang penah nok ngaco abu, doesnt mean that mek suka n nok ngaco abu juak, mun mek menar suka ngan abu kin, masa ktk ngan shafiq mek dpt ngaco abu kin....ktk dah knal mek brapa lmk, gney tak rasa laki nok di gerec mek dolok, da kdak abu x? suma ex mek kdak2 cina2 bah....ktk tyk kdak ya mcm ktk x trust kmk jak, apa guna ta bkwn lmk pi dityk kdak ya...mcm tak sik knal mek jak, seriously tak pdh mek apa nyuroh tak ada idea yang mek suka ngan abu? mek xda kakar ngan abu if kta suma x kuar n the only time da kakar pun mun adahal, ya pun mek tyk nya hal org, mek duak kakar xpnah kakar hal org lain...phl ktk x tyk zarith juak if Zarith suka abu? zarith yg ada bcall2 nyq nqk? dolok ariyalah, nektok x tauk mek if zairth maseh bcall ngan nya or x..mek x penah dlm idup mek t'pikey or rasa suka mek ngan abu, mun tak tyk mek syg nya or sik, syg mek ngan nya pi as friends jak, nothing more than that..jadi mek pun dah sik tauk apa mek nok pdh ngan tak kin, coz masok kali tok 2 kali tak tyk mek..n jawapan mek tetap sama dgn mlm first tak tyk mek...but thanks for being honest and straight fwd ngan mek, at least mek tauk apa tak pikey hal kmk~"

the fucking sms was 11 pages long!(in terms of sms pages) and she didn't even reply me right away, she waited for the whole night and she decided to reply the next day by saying: "oh okay, kmk xda credit mlm tadik, baruk relod" i was surprised that she would only replied me that short, and i thought, ohh come on!!!! why dont she just be open and asked me anything, i would really be so glad to answer her curiosity!! but she didn't said anything else...so, if she doesn't have anything else to asked, i might as well just ignore it....after that, we didn't hanged out as much anymore...because her semester started and Sha was back at Itm, i was busy going to the gym (^_^) and busy with my other friends....friends that really knows me after all these years....plus Amir~

Then there was Chinese New Year, somehow, i remembered that Jong was back for the CNY, so i decided to msged him, and he DIDNT SAVE MY NUMBER!!!! and so, he told me that, he did sms Eqeen a few time, and everytime when he asked for my number, Eqeen would say that she's busy and she'll sms Jong back later. But she never did give my number to him (BUSTED!!!) and when Jong told me that i was like "Ohhhhhhh~~~~~~" and on the first day of CNY, she said to me that Jong is back in town, and he invites us to his house...and i was pretending not to know anything. and just agreed to her, so, the second day of Chinese New Year, at first i went to Hilton with my cousins and then, Eqeen with Sha, Ewyn n Zarith, picked me up from Hilton before we headed off to Jong's house. I was shocked when i saw Zarith got out from the front seat...but i just kept my head down, bcoz the were lots of people outside Hilton.....i could feel the awkwardness, but i kept on msging amir, swearing at the situation and everything. but of course, he didn't reply!! hahahaha makseh oi!! (but he did eventually) we spent almost 2 hours at Jong's house, i was busy catching up with Jong, well, Ewyn and i were busy catching up with Jong, and next to me was Sha, and next to Sha was Zarith and Eqeen. Jong didn't know what happened between us...and i bet that Eqeen doesn't want to tell anyone about it...bcoz its obviously, i didnt do anything wrong...anyways, back to the story

After that, they planned to go to the K-box, i just agreed bcoz Ewyn told me before that she would want to go there with me before i go back to Perth, so i just agreed, but before we went there, we were looking for Digi relods....Then when we reached a place named bar-code or something...Zarith and Sha went out to check, if there's still any coupon left. Ewyn, Eqeen and i were left in the car, when i talked to Eqeen, she talked to Ewyn and completely ignore me....it was impossible that she didn't hear me bcoz i was next to the driver's seat!!!!! but she only talked to Ewyn, who sat behind, and so, i just let it go, even though i was starting to feel tired about EVERYTHING! but i just go along~ with them to K-box....at first i thought that place would be okay, very go-able...but when i went there! err!! creeepy people! and that place is dirty and its like that you're bound t get Aids or some disease for inhaling the same air as all of the other creepy people..not trying to discriminate but, they looked as if they're high on something, and they're smoking! and they are 5 people in the same booth and it's like as if all of they are on top of each other....sitting or something! i dont know! with their bloodshot eyes, all i could think about is how dirty that place is!!! but thank god that sha and i went in to the first box that we found empty!!!
After Sha and i are done, we went out from that place....coz both of us have this, talking through our mind going on...so we went downstairs to the game arcade, we told them that we're going to the game arcade, and we played time crisis!! huhuhu!! hebat sha menang ehh!!! hahaha
then, we sat by the very corner, so that we could see if they're down. I told Sha that, i can't stand this, pretending as if nothing happened and yet ignore me at the same time. And someone came, right on time~!!! guess who replied my sms!??? AMIR!!!! wuhuuuu my hero!!! seriously he is! for that night! he saved me from dying of awkwardness environment, i asked Sha if she wants to follow me, and she said no, but i asked her, if it's okay if i leave her with them and besides Ewyn is still there, she said she understands that i cant stand being there anymore...she could see what was going on....and i asked Amir if he could picked me up and send me back home, but he haven't had his dinner and so he asked me to accompany him for dinner. So, all of us are set! i'm going to ditch Sha with them and go with Amir and my excused was that my friends went to my house but i was out with them, so i decided to meet up with them in town, coz they're in town.and so, Eqeen sent me to Parkson and at Times bookshop is where i waited for him to come....I met aunty Ateng and Zeb's sister, talked to aunty for awhile and went behind the shelves, looking for books, before i knew it, Amir was behind me, and i was glad to see him!! the moment i saw him, i started to talk about everything, i walked behind him blabbering, and he just listened and replied and asked me where to have dinner...we went down to KFC, but it was fully packed, and i saw errr Zayadi? the short guy who worked for al-quds and then, i just smiled at him and he looked at Amir as if he was afraid of Amir or something, Amir and i doesn't like to wait, so we try somewhere else, we passed by McD and hell! it was pretty full!! and then we went to Point One, Travillion. and on our way there, he said that he saw Roni, and Roni asked him if he wants to follow him to watch a movie that night, but he said no. yeah!! he told me about it.,...that's bcoz Amir is Roni's bestfriend and he knows that im afraid of Roni, that's why whenever he bumped into Roni, he would definetly tell me about it!!!

We had our dinner, and we talked, i'm a slow eater, and every bite i had, i have to remind him to eat much more slowly, and he told me he is being slow. For the past few days, i haven't had any mood to eat, but earlier before he picked me up he said, "ktk ada rasa nok makan sik? klak ada mek mbak ktk makan pi ktk sik makan" and because he haven't had dinner, i said that i'll eat. but i ate my dinner slowlyy huhuhuhuh very slow~ and we talked....and then, i thought he was going to send me straight home, but he didn't we went to refill the fuel and went for a joyride, and we went to see houses, i mean HOUSES!! a very huge! big! nice houses! with wide compounds!!!! huhu and fireworks!!! there were alot of fireworks bcoz it's the 2nd day of CNY!!! kekekekeke and we even went to 7th mile~ hahahaha that was a fun night. and he told me that, when he's busy driving and eating, he would drive using his tighs, and i didn't believe him...and i asked him to show how. and he did! and i laughed my ass off~ it was quite funny ayee!!! i shud end this now, before this story get mixed up with Amir's story! hahahoho

Actually, i see this situation as a part of growing up. everybody is growing up, and somehow, we're going our seprate ways, it's just that, we need something to be the cause that we're growing apart. As far as i can see, even though there are still hard feelings, that's just the way it is....just have to deal with it! i think that only true friend stays, even though you don't talked to them often, yyou're busy with your own thing, but when we needed them the most, they'll be there without judging you or accussing you of anything. A true friend is someone who understand who you really are!

there are some bits and pieces that i forget, so, if i ever remember anything, i'll edit this post again and again...bcoz this post is too long, and im too lazy to read it again and looking for mistakes that i've made...oh well, i'll post up the picture of the "main character" of this story some other time! (^_^)

3 What Say You?:

fairuz adnan said...

what the heck is daylight saving? are they turn the electricity off for the whole country?

Zsa Zsa said...

daylight saving is when they save the sunlight lahh~~ what does that got to do with electricity? & it also changed the time to an hour earlier....

~nuTt*~ said...

uish.. the 'your bestfren' story & the 'daylight conservation' story put together just spooks me!lols..

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