Sunday, November 4, 2007

We can always playaround at the playground (This Proves that Age is JUST A N.U.M.B.E.R.)

One more week til our finals starts....Yesterday was like any other ordinary day, woke up around noon, stayed in bed for a couple of hours before decided to get up~ usually at that time, it would definetly be around noon! (^_^) Then, before we know it, it's time for dinner...we went out for basically, none of the people in this house, gets up when the sun is bright and shine...kekeke and even if we are up, we won't be going out around that time....

We had our dinner at Sparrow's, there was a cute guy, but only for the side...and the owner of the restaurant is quite friendly. seriously he is! when we were at the cashier he talked as if we're deaf of something, and all i did was giggle, smile and kept on saying thank u to him. and he told us that, the next time we go there bring our friends along, ppl who never been to that restaurant, so that he can give 10% discount!!! huhu! even restaurant nowadays got discounts...oh well, he was nice though,

Our menu:
White Rice
Ikan Asam Manis
Mixed Vege
Chicken Curry
Ayam Pangsit (entree)
Kroket (entree) - it's beef + cheese + mashed potatoes(i think)

Drinks :
Azri - Warm water
Ee - Chrysanthemum tea
Dya - Coke
Me - Ice cincau

After we finish our dinner, it was still early and going back home would be TOO BORING!!! i was supposed to study but at the same time i was too lazy to study. At first, we wanted to go to the Queen's Garden but it was locked. Then, Dya suggested to go to the Burswood playground but not one of us know how to get there and we end up at Mill Point

We spent an hour or something there.....this is what we did...when finals are too stressing & when we're just too bored!

While we were playing, there's a kid with his family and he wanted to play with the swings too~ (-_-) damn it! and so we went to the jetty. Then, they took pictures of the city...i think? i dunno, i went to the toilet, due to my period
(hahaha look meera, i'm telling it to the whole wide world - bagi lah ada org baca blog aku!!)

When we're about to go home, there's no one the at swings again........and so we took more pics!!

After Mill Point, one of us said go to Kings Park.....ohh man, we're out of Parks....and Ee drove there through a shorcut, the Parliament house blablablaa and it was quite nice there~
FYI: Ee knows all the shortcut all over, up down, around the city!!

all of us were looking at a bunch of drunken girls.....and seriously, they are really really drunk...

Then, we walked to the world war memorial, and asked Azri to sit at the one end of the wall, and Ee and i went to the other end, and we talked to Azri by talking to the wall...i know sounds crazy, but we're not, it really is as if the person is next to you!! huhuhuhu oh well, then we took more pics, and lie down, hanged out at the green green new grass~

Dya likes the grass ehh!! that is what we're doing, poking the grass...bcoz it's nice! i think?

i was lying on the ground, looking at the stars and then out of nowhere, this Org Asli look alike came up and hit me (hahahaha guro jak Azri!!) and actually, the Queen of the Org Asli ordered him to do so....(tangga tangan queen ya lok!) & there's a ninja or something, who didnt know what to do besides pointing at me~ hahahahahaa apa ajak ka! anyways, we're just playing around....and Dya is the new Mary Poppins....

we decided to take a decent picture hahahaa

i was very sure that this is the flying bench!

It was about 11 something, and all of us were hungry again! huhuhu and we started to be Hyperactive, all of us started to talk n i started to laughed....At first, we didn't know where to have our breakfast? supper? more like unsure....McD or Fast Eddy's..we went to Fast Eddy's first, but that place was quite full.....and we went to the nearest McD, and as soon as the clock strikes 12, the mouse ran down, i mean McD will closed.....and we went to McD at Vic Park, still laughing and talking and blablablaabla....

i think, Kuching should have McD drive-thru!!

oh well, im getting bored...and tired of typing and blablabalabal and sorry for my english....i dont think it's 100% correct...whatever laa perogol bahasa bah..sukaty laa!!! Later days!

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