Friday, February 29, 2008

The Availability Of The Internet Connection

WUhuuu!!!! Huraaayyy!!!! Finally, the internet connection is back!!! huhuhuhu!! Now i can update my blog! huhuhuhu (^_^) A lot had happened. And usually, when i got back here i would update my blog with things i did during the holiday.

THE SUMMER HOLIDAY. It was fun! No Drama. Hardly Go Out. Just Plain Driver (for my parents&siblings). Discovered New Place To Eat - Toms. Hornbill.

Here i am eating, Smith's cheese & onion crinkle cut. on a Friday Night. Didn't go to the City tonight. That is because!!!!! Nadya and i went out around 11am to Garden City. Then, to the City....Happy Hours at JAWS!! huhu Sushi! 3 months no SuSHI!! daymnnn!!! Yeah even though Sushi King has opened in Kch, i've never been there~ huhuhuhu.

On Xmas Day
I went out with Nutt and Angie, for visitings. Nutt picked me up then, we picked Angie up. FIRST HOUSE, we went to Esther's house and we meet up with Tila and her family there. There's a biscuit that Esther made was soooo sooo yummy!! i've forgot the name of the biscuit but it looks like eyeballs with chocolates....huhuhhu! deliciousss!!! SECOND HOUSE, Gwen's house, she served spaghetti that tasted like Pizza Hut's spaghetti...HuHuHuHu! Seriously!! Deli~cious!! hahaa then we did took a picture outside her house, but i don't have it. And so we went to the THIRD HOUSE, Helong's house, we didn't just go to her house. We made ourselves at home! in her room! lying down! well, it had been a long day, so most of us were pretty much tired & sleepy. She served pulut and ikan bilis sambal thing, which is sooo as usual i don't eat spicy food. Deli-cious~ i did try but it's too SPICyyyy! for me. AND! Paula thought that Zsa Zsa is my Pelacur name, she even checked my I.D card to make sure that it's my name. Ha Ha Ha I found that funny!Neways, The LAST HOUSE, we went to Jojo's friend house. Her house was niceee, amazing! (oh well, i met her again at Currie Hall while visiting Azri huhu more like use his internet) they got a garden in the middle of the house and she served chocolate biscuits huhu nyaman aiee....ok...come to think about it....every house served DELICIOUS FOOD!!! huhuhu Enough said! After that, Nutt sent us home, and then, i went out for dinner with Angie, to meet up with Sha, Nina, Yen & Elin. But we went to Helong's house again and meet up with Azfar, Salleh & Sedut. DONT ASK ME I DONT KNOW A THING!

2nd Xmas Day
I sent Mimi to town and picked Fie up and then, we went to pick Angie up and went back to my house. After a couple of minutes, more like after 40 minutes...huhuhu! Then, i called Laur before we went to her house. and she told everyone there that i was coming. hahaha and Ekin & Gjah was there too...and as soon as she heard my name coming out of Laur's mouth. Gjah pun lalu makan bergaut hahahaa and when we arrived there, they were gone! i dont care though. Haz & Abby was kinda shock how she treated them. oh well, it's non of my business how she treat other people. im not the childish, disrespectful person. ignoring old friends? when they're right infront of your nose? and would prefer to sit with the hamsters instead of humans. hoho neways, after that i went back to town to pick up mimi n her friend and to pick up JENK!!! (a.k.a. jenku) i miss jenk....sent mimi back home and then we went to Laur's house again. after that....oh wait i can't remember where we went after that...oh well. whtever.

im too lazy to continue my summer holiday..haha!

A few picture at the Hornbil.

And yeah, i went out with a guy....named Wandy.....hahaha he's hot...but too baddd (-_-) didn't have his picture...not really went out like went out....just went out for branch before he went to Melaka. He reminds me alot of Amir. hmm why? because he's smart. he's tall. very secretive. (well baruk knal nya a few days before he left so what do u expect? besides, i would only want to know people i want to know...haha why? bunyi so snobbish but i have reasons okayy!!) a quiet person. he's so hot! he made me so nervous EVEN I NEVER thought that i could be so nervous. awhhh i miss him, i want to talk to him. and i like talking to him......but i don't really like it when he calls me "anak boss" anak ajak bahhh...of course i'm my dad's daughter hahaha. But i like looking at him, somehow everytime when i look at him, he would be smiling and so senang hati when i look at him....SERIOUSLY!!! and when something is bothering me or i'm angry or mad...looking at him would calms me down. (i'm talking about wandy not amir) huhu. but he's busy with his work. he's very rajin type of guy!

Amir.....the last time i talked to him was....errrrr last year around july. yeah. and he's happy, that's a good thing! i'm glad (^_^)

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