Sunday, March 2, 2008

A Shocking.........


Yesterday, i made Laksa Sarawak~ huhu it was TOO LONG!! wonder i never really like cooking......huhuhu then, Dya took over when she got back. haha. and she made an improvement. hehehehe. hmmmmppp...............

Today, after ibu called me. i made Butter Prawn. huhuhu! and Azri helped.

For dinner, i made....Hainanese Chicken Rice...huhuhu. but the rice...hmmmmmm too much water...huhuhu but the chicken was okay...hehe :D

*i didn't take the picture for this meal*

Yalah yalah~ it's not really a shocking news...but eh....IT'S ME COOKING! IT IS SHOCKING!!! hahahahaha :P

2 What Say You?:

nasrie z said...

aok la you dont need me there anymore to cook! sedeh eh!!

Panda said...

Yum.....ingin cerik masakn ojot eh...

Kelak masak pakey kamek k....

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