Thursday, February 14, 2008


I was so bored....and i didn't know what to do. ...and i would be leaving in a day or two.
Meera and I went to town today, we went to Tun Jugah(TJ) because i was looking for a phone.
We parked at the TJ parking space and walked up, down, and around TJ.


and the u know. we walked around. then when we go in Aussino, i noticed a freaky looking peverted guy was following us... when i went to the center of the store. he went behind me.....and i asked my sister to go to the other side of the store. but he didnt followed us. then we went to SP. at first, i didn't noticed him there, then actually he was at the ground floor while i was checking out phones. then, we went to the first floor. he was behind my sister and i...then, we went to Watson, he was also behind us. and he linger around that area. i caught him following us. then, i thought if we go to the upper floor. u know floor nok memory lane yaa and if he still follows us. then, it's true that he's following my sister and i. while we were trying to remain calm and not being crazy about it, i started to call and msging all of my friends. and i called Johan up because i've remembered that he works in that building. But he was busy and asked me to stay put. Then, when we went up, i met Amon, and i went in, and Amon hugged me and i whispered to him that there's a freaky looking perverted guy is following my sister and i. So, he intro'ed his friend and i intro'ed my sister. Then. THAT GUY WENT UP!!!! and he pretended to look at the things outside the store. and i told Amon that, that's the guy that followed us when we were at Tj til SP. Then, Amon point at very obvious. til that guy turned around and go away!!!!! uhuhhuhu was saved! then my sister and i was very scared to go back. i was worry about my sister's safety. I mean, i'm responsible for her safety due to she's with me. Then, thank god!! met with my cousins and Didi. and we go around jalan jalan together. Til we go back to TJ and go back safely.

Thank u for reading this real life story craping (^_^)

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