Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Starting This Week...

Daylight saving ends last march 30th. I'm so glad that it wasn't that hard for me this year to fix my sleeping time. and we had to change all of our clocks an hour late. huhu!!! back to Kuching time!!

Here's What I Got To Do

Marketing Communication Mid-Test (2nd Apr)
Property Economics Test 1 (3rd Apr)
Economics Macro Mid-Test (10th Apr)
Economics Macro Lab Test (14 Apr)
Real Estate Market Analysis Lab Test (16 Apr)
Property Economics Assignment Report & Presentation (17 Apr)

Property Economics Test 2 (8th May)
Marketing Communication (8th May)
Economics Macro Lab Test (19th May)
Real Estate Market Analysis (21st May)

I'm going to do so damn well this semester!!! I'm not going to fail any unit!!! (^_^) Can't wait to go back to Kuching. & my cousin's wedding.

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