Saturday, April 5, 2008

They went home...

My sister and my cousin arrived here last 3 weeks. They went back today, around 12.40pm. We went straight home after we sent them off and it's kinda weird. You can feel that there's nobody home. adalah but sikit jak org. I guess their existence here for the past 3 weeks, kept the house errr how can i put this... NOISY!!! eventhough most of the time, Dd would be infront of the laptop 24/7 webcaming with guys and her friends...and late at night she and Meera would chat on msn with their friends...

and now, i'm sitting infront of the tv alone online...huhu bahagia aku :P i miss them all bahhh urghh lu nok emo!! chill la readers...if theirs any reader hahaha whatever! i got to update my assignments too haha :P

*i'll update the pics when i get the pics from Azri's cam*

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