Thursday, August 7, 2008

Angie's Homesickness

Hello Hello!

This post is for Miss Angelina Tera!

(try and spot Angie!)

Today i received a sudden message,
"Zsa! Miss you n love u! The greatest friend that understand retardation is beautiful! N im not high now! Meant it!"
See~ knowing Angie through out the years...the message was the nicest thing that she ever sent me :P and that was because she's homesick! I told you to come back every holiday. We made a promise to go back to Kuching every holiday! But you left me alone last holiday! damn you!!! but nonetheless, i love you too! and i hope you're going back to Kuching next holiday!

I told you i'm going to post it tonight and so i did. Tiny wee bit late due to power shortage! the weirdest part of the power shortage was the fact that the TV was still on, the lights dimed and i can still charged my laptop but no power for INTERNET!!! i was about to die when everything runs as usual again..hoho me mumbling!!

Anyways, tomorrow is Uncle Dep's Wedding day...and the Perth citizens aren't there... *sobb sobb* but Congratulation!!!!

Later days peeps!

2 What Say You?:

Anonymous said...

awwww...Angie sounds really sweet and emotionally gracious ;P

Zsa Zsa said...

of courseeeee she's's only the nicest thing she ever sent to me! whahahaa

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