Friday, August 8, 2008

It's 8 Zero 8 Zero 8!!!

Hello Hello!! (with a very cheer-static tone!)

It's been a week or two that Belle and i are on the job hunting spree. Today we also went to a couple of place. Where did we go? we went to Cobra to check out the boxersize..and then to Zest, before we went to Zest, Belle and i went to Mackers to apply for the job there. whaha! me working at Mackers in a uniform! i would love to see that!

On the way back from the city, i accidentally said sexcersize...what the heck? accident baa!

After we sent our resume to Nandos, we went to Subway at Vic Park, to apply for the job. While i was filling in the form, i received a call regarding the resume that i sent to Icey Ice last week. I was Happy!!! the fact that they actually get back!!! and my interview would be next Tuesday! Wish me luck! and i'm so afraid if the owner is the creepy-hentai-looking-guy-who's-always-there.

As you can see, i'm so lazy to do this post properly. Today is also the official day for the olympics! Dya and i chilled out in the cold watching the grand ceremony in the middle of the city. The 92.9 crew are handing out flyers supporting Aussies in Beijing. At the end of the ceremony, there's this major fireworks happening..i was soo estatically happy! i was like OMG!!! that's like so nice and how i wish i'm in Beijing. HuHu!!!

But now, right this moment (12.36am) i am so sad! i am so pissed off! this is why i deleted my fs! so that i won't read those testimonials on people's blog that would pissed me off..due to my i-want-to-try-if-i-works so i did...and look where it got me! pissed off like shiats!!! urghh!!

Later days!! Sweet dreams!!

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