Friday, March 13, 2009

Get It Over & Done With!


This is me, in rage post.

Dedicated to the guy that made me lived in secrecy for the last holiday:

shit piss fuck cunt cock sucker
mother fucker tits fart turd and twat

You who always think about yourself, dares to correct me? You who always think that you're right and that you know everything! you're such a liar! You who kept me in the dark, made me feel like you're just using me. Then, you just go and left me just like that! You still dare to just come up to me and just act that you didn't do anything wrong? and still you take the way I (somehow) care for granted.

Do you think that we need to declare that we are friends? It's good enough that at some point I still perceived you as a FRIEND! so fuck! dont remind me! you don't have to say that YOU DON'T WANT TO BE MEAN TO ME and take me as a friend. If you want to talk, just talk. don't appear in my face and annoy me.

I dont need guys that gives me griefs

Look inside, look inside your tiny mind, then look a bit harder.
Fuck you (fuck you)
Fuck you very very much
Cause your words don't translate and it's getting quite late
So please don't stay in touch

So, we are friends but we don't need to tell the whole wide world that we're friends.

Later days.

4 What Say You?:

Anonymous said...

beef burger sigek! :P

anyways, those lil tiny fonts lam ur posting, deyre such an unthinkable vulgar words! *clap2!* hihi

p/s: 'fart' is the list as well? *laughs*

Zsa Zsa said...

he pissed me off!
sukati jak nok merajuk ngan org. kakya sukati jak polah org.
dumbfuck! kakya gk juak dpt idup ngan sik tauk malu! geram ati!!
bagus bagus sik tauk hal for a few weeks, why bother appearing in my face! gosh! annoying!!!!
dah appear kakya he goes and menyakitkan hati gk~ dumbfuck!!
Wann~ i need to stop knowing ppl who treats me unwell. and i should stop being nice to people too~

*sorry im quite pissed off*

Anonymous said...

mayb u shud take it slow nx time eyh?

jgn rush glk. take time to know them. itll take a while, but it is worth the gamble rather than pushng things forward nk?

being nice to ppl is ok. its just dat when dey treat u d opposite, dun ever regret. at least u know dat uve been treating them nice and dey acted as such a nincompoop wudve behave in return :D

Zsa Zsa said...

I get it...*nods head* understand sensei.
right living in slow mo!! hahaha lol! taking everythg slow..
esp my studies~ lol JOKING!!! Im catching up, okies....

I told u~ i wasnt the one who took it sooo fast that i lost track of myself. lol~ but then, part of it is my fault, for letting it be.

Thank You. Lol.

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