Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Over My Head


I'm in way over my head. Since I arrived in Perth, I have been enjoying and very very less studying. I have no idea about anything. Now, I'm in my week 4 of uni and yet, I'm still roaming and lazing around.

And I have to say, I still miss you. Even though you think that I'm not thinking or you don't even care but I still do miss you. It's just a defense shield that I put up so that I won't be suck up in those crappy lies that you kept on saying. I want something different, I didn't want all those lies. but it ends as lies that are better left unsaid. Wish you well because I hope I won't be seeing you anymore.

Later days.

2 What Say You?:

Panda said...

Jot, if he (im assuming its a he laa ya) makes you sad, why bother wasting your time on someone who clearly is not worth a drop of ur tear. Look elsewhere. I believe there is always someone for someone out there. You will find yours in someone other. :)

Zsa Zsa said...

not to worry...not crying...
terpikey ajak ariya~ :D
dak aunty balit esok...ktk org bila gk dtg~ lol~

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