Monday, April 6, 2009

Sempey Is The Word Of The Semester


First of all, it's been awhile and there's a lot of drafts that I have to publish. *Lazy*

Anyways, word of the semester is

Why? My cousins and I were talking about some stuff a few weeks back. Then, I used the word sempey. Out of a sudden, Dya laughed and said the word, sempey over and over again. Now, in almost everything, when she wants to express her current state of figure or something, she would use the word sempey. Last night, on our way to dinner, all of the other cousins including Rin Rin said not to teach Dya a new word. Dya's reaction was why not? is it wrong to teach me a new word? It's not like I can teach her alot of new words, my bahasa is not that good anyways. Im out of words.

later days!

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