Saturday, May 9, 2009

This Is What I've Been Doing......


I love the weekend! But I really should get my head straight because exam is just around the corner. As in 2 or 3 more weeks left for this semester to END!!!!

My weekend starts on Friday:

Last night, we went for karaoke. At first, we decided to go karaoke because we wanted to cheer Jon up or something, bring him to have fun or something but he came late. and i think karaoke is not his ideal idea of having fun. Either way, we had fun!! We looked as if we're drunk and as usual, of course there's pictures!! We booked the room for 3 hours *it's not enough*, at first we booked the room for 2 hours but do you think that 2 hours would be sufficient for 8 people who's dying to sing? Anywho it was fun!! ohh before i forget, Nazrul also came along with us. After 3 hours of singing, we went to Singapore *a chinese restaurant* at China Town in Northbridge. I sang alot of old song, most of the song that I sang was my favourite song since primary or secondary school. It reminded me of the time where I used to sit behind the class and just sing. And the time where I used to waste my cash to buy an exercise book, so that I could write tons of lyrics.
One of the funny part was when we sang All or Nothing by O-Town, they emphasize on a few words like:
I know when he's been on your mind
That distant look is in your eyes
I thought with time you'd realize it's over, over

It's not the way I choose to live
And something somewhere's got to give
As sharing this relationship gets older, older

You know I'd fight for you
But how can I fight someone who isn't even there
I've had the rest of you, now I want the best of you
I don't care if that's not fair
Cause I want it all or nothing at all
There's no where left to fall
When you reach the bottom, it's now or never
Is it all, or are we just friends
Is this how it ends, with a simple telephone call
You leave me here, with nothing at all

There are times it seems to me
I'm sharing you in memories
I feel it in my heart but I don't show it, show it
And then there's times you look at me
As though I'm all that you can see
Those times I dont believe its right, I know it, know it

Don't make me promises
Baby you never did know how to keep them well
I've had the rest of you, now I want the best of you
It's time to show and tell

Cause I want it all or nothing at all
There's no where left to fall
When you reach the bottom, it's now or never
Is it all, or are we just friends
Is this how it ends, with a simple telephone call
You leave me here, with nothing at all

Cause you and I
Could lose it all if you've got no more room
no room, inside, for me in your life

Cause I want it all or nothing at all
There's no where left to fall its now or never

Is it all or nothing at all
Theres no where left to fall
When you reach the bottom, it's now or never
Is it all, or are we just friends
Is this how it ends, with a simple telephone call
You leave me here, with nothing at all

I understand the lyrics that they emphasized on but WTF man! But it was fun anyways. After singing, we went for dinner around 1am because we didn't had any before we go there.

Saturday, 9th May 2009.
Today we had late lunch around 5pm at Latansa, with Rin Rin's friend. After our late lunch, we went to Cottesloe beach and it was dark when we reached there. But it doesn't stop me from playing in the water, mandik laut is fun! We were running around, chasing each other, pulling more people into the water, splashing them and so on. * you get the picture what we did*

Seriously, at one point while we were having too much and so much fun, it felt as if I was pulled to go deeper into the waters. Considering it was dark it kinda scary because I was trying to get up and sit by shore but I was pulled into the waters and I can't even see where I was facing or going. After that I was still playing in the waters but didn't go in that far. Of course there's pics!

3 What Say You?:

Mia Kim said...

OMG it look so funnnnn.. i wish i was there... ahahahah...

AZT said...

ya rabi~ sik sedar dirik sebenarnya.. mlm2 sejuk... hahaha dh lupak semua hal sejuk hal blaja semua time tok. hohoho

Zsa Zsa said...

come here mia!!

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