Saturday, May 2, 2009



I don't feel good today. Sad? Hmm... It feels like I'm missing something.

Mr Lee,
I miss
"home". Why did my "home" disappear? I'm sad that my "home" disappears, it was fun to feel that I'm "home" again but why does it end?

Why is it when I'm sad, my memory would bring me back to that part of past. It's not that happy. Lee did make it happy while it lasts but as we all know, nothing good ever last that long and so it ended. It ended just like when you hanged up the phone.

For all your life, you're looking for something that you familiarized with. Then again, they say, if it's not meant to be, it won't happen. So, are we supposed to just let it go and hope for the best of everything that would come in future. How certain is the future?

You might end up with a dead beat guy or girl? A person who knows to hurt you and get you back when you're about to leave. But when he or she knows that you're staying, he or she would do the same old thing, all over again. Even though your friends and family support and give you advise to ditched those who did you wrong, you still give reasons to your family and friends for he or she to stay. That he or she changed? he or she realized that he or she did something wrong?

Are you for real?

Well, actually that is what i usually see or experienced? I don't really know. Then again, it's part of life. Without mistakes you won't know what you did wrong or right in this life. Just cherish your wrong and right. I guess everyone would be okay and grows up when their own time comes.

Later days!

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