Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Tribute To Ronald Chin Yung Yaw.


My level of ignorance, surprises me sometimes. Last assignment I asked my friends in Kuching to proof read my report. Around 1pm, Haziq came to our house to proof read my report, surprisingly, I am capable of fixing my own grammar and such. It's just that I'm so lazy. God!!! I should slap myself because FINALS!! is just around the corner!! wake up!! So to say, even for my blog, I don't reread what I wrote/type or anything. I'm just to busy. *i wonder what is it that I'm too busy doing*

Im In Like With A Song! Guess Which? Good Girls Go Bad. It reminds me of something. Haha. Im innocent man!!!! everyone thinks that way, let's just leave it at that. someday, I'll posts about all the things and everything. It's just a plan to sabotage myself. (^_^)

Earlier I texted Ron, I also told him that I'm going to blog about him. What am I going to write about him?
Ron is all grown up.He says fuck you when you tell him you love him. But everyone swears!
He says thank you even if you do a little tiny bitty thing for him.
He likes to fall off the bed *haha*
He is like my brother.
*at times he reminds me of my brothers, how annoying they are, how much i want to kill them. but in the end, i would always love them, protect them, and be there for them.*
He would never leave me alone. haha.
From time to time he would open the door. *gentlemen?*
He would accompany me grocery shopping on a Saturday morning.
He would lie next to me when all of us are watching movie.
He would talk to me when I'm bored at home and he would be at his own house.
The first time I saw you, you're just like a little kid. sweet innocent kid. but now, you surprise me. you're all grown up. *pinch your cheek*

There's a few picture of him getting ready for a party:

It started with me forcing him to wear a Tee. It was quite a battle.
Then, I pulled him out of the room to show him off to other people. After that, Haziq starts to fixed his hair and ladi daa......TADAAA!! Sweet pose aye? Why don't you have a girlfriend?
It was fun dressing him up. At least I know I did and he felt awkward all night long.
Lastly, Thank You Ron for being the way you are. I Love You (^_^)

Later days,

Double Zee.

p/s: can't wait to see Gie back in Kuching.

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