Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Studying Is So Overrated


I was in my lecture and I thought about a lot of other stuff but not the test I would be sitting for in a while. I guess I think about other stuff because I'm damn nervous. One comment about this test though my first lecturer named would be Greg, my previous tests would be held before the lecture so, I would always leave after the test. But now, my test would be after the lecture, which also means I have one hour of boredom in the lecture hall.

Things That I Thought About:

1.What will I call the next other one? *random*
I have no idea why it comes to my mind, i guess i just need something to distract me from my nervousness.

2. What am I going to write on my Business Capstone journal?
There has been a lot of dramas in my group. *yawns* boringgg~~~ which made me more ignorance than before *tadaaa*

3.Rainforest? to go or not to go?
Now that I can stay at SS, I can easily go to Rainfest. Rin rin is planning to go with everyone *i guess* so, it seems like everyone's going, so probably I will. *besides I want to see if Izzrul really toned his body up and plus his bet with gwen, i want to see*

4. How much more can I stand being here?
Greg the bald lecturer is S.M.A.R.T. the test took place after the lecture. as i mentioned it before, he changed it! why oh why! I want it to be like before so that I can just take off! *swoosh*

5.I want to watch a lot of movie!!
Fast & Furious (watched it with Jon already)
Monsters vs Alien
How to Alienate people and lose friends.
Fired up
Star trek

6. I also think that everyone's a bitch!
Come on! seriously! Think!! Everyone talk, speak, say, something about someone or something. It's very impossible that you never talk about someone behind their back! Stop denying! It's just how people are! If you REALLY never talk, speak, say, something about anyone! come text me! I would want to know how you do it! I know that people usually ignores whatever it is but there's a limit. lol.


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